Melanie Leidecker

The interplay between media-for-monitoring and media-for-searching: How news media trigger searches and edits in Wikipedia

This study investigates how traditional news media and Internet services have become entangled in recipients’ habits of gathering information on current topics. Push media enable citizens to scan the issue environment while pull media enable them to seek out in-depth information if information needs have been elicited. Furthermore, content quality in many pull media may increase when more users generate content, removing flaws and adding information. We expected that TV and newspaper coverage of an issue will lead to increases in (a) searches for and (b) user edits in related articles in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Our findings reliably support the hypotheses, but the extent to whic…

research product

Auf den Spuren öffentlicher Meinung im mittelhochdeutschen Minnesang

The scope of this study is to analyse if and how traces of public opinion, in the sociopsychological sense of social control, may be found in the German medieval love lyrics. With the aid of a hermeneutic text analysis some selected Middle High German minnesongs are exemplarily examined. The analysis shows that awareness of public opinion as social control did exist in the Middle Ages. On the one hand, there are minnesongs that raise the topics ere (honour) and spot (mockery). In these songs public mockery represents a threat of isolation against individuals who do not conform to public opinion. Because mockery may lead to loss of honour and to social isolation, mockery pressures individual…

research product