R Gambino
Tra immaginario e illusorio. La metafora della fantasmagoria in Roger Caillois
Effetti della temperatura dell'acqua sull'idratazione di nuotatori di fondo
Misuse and addiction to mobile phone in a sample of first-grade secondary school students of Palermo
Abstract Background Nowadays, smartphone overuse affects massively teenagers and young adults. From 2014 to 2018 in Italy, for the 11-17 years age group, there has been an increase from 79.9% to 85.8% of daily mobile phone users. This project aims to investigate usage prevalence and misuse/addiction of mobile phones in a representative sample of first-grade secondary school students of the Province of Palermo, Italy, carrying out educational interventions to promote a proper and conscious use of smartphone. Materials and Methods An anonymous, standardized and previously validated pre-intervention questionnaire consisting of 39 items on general socio-demographic characteristics, attitudes an…