Radiation Induced Defects in Yttrium Aluminium Perovskite
The yttrium aluminium perovskite single crystals YAlO3 (YAP) doped with rare -earth ions belong to the most prospective materials of solid-state laser engineering. Laser based of YAlO3 crystals have the advantage in comparison with yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG). The main of them consists in anisotropy of optical properties [1], which are stipulated by the low symmetry of orthoaluminate crystals. Continuos wave (CW) laser action at 549.6 nm was achieved in 1% Er:YAP crystal at below 77 K [2]. The YAP:Nd allows to obtain a CW generation at 1079 nm, 1340 nm and 1440 nm [3, 4]. It is known, that the color center can completely suppress laser generation in the crystal.