Study of resonance interactions in polyatomic molecules on the basis of highly accurate experimental data: Set of strongly interacting Bands ν10(B1), ν7(B2), ν4(A2), ν8(B2), ν3(A1) and ν6(B1) of CH2=CD2
Abstract The highly accurate (experimental accuracy in line positions ~ ( 1 − 3 ) × 10 − 4 cm − 1 ) FTIR ro-vibrational spectra of CH2=CD2 in the region of 600–1300 cm−1, where the fundamental bands ν10, ν7, ν4, ν8, ν3, and ν6 are located, were recorded and analyzed with the Hamiltonian model which takes into account resonance interactions between all six studied bands. About 12 200 ro-vibrational transitions belonging to these bands (that is considerably more than it was made in the preceding studies for the bands ν10, ν7, ν8, ν3 and ν6; transitions belonging to the ν4 band were assigned for the first time) were assigned in the experimental spectra with the maximum values of quantum number…