Roland Valcke
Fluorescence explorer (FLEX): An optimised payload to map vegetation photosynthesis from space
The FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX) mission proposes to launch a satellite for the global monitoring of steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence in terrestrial vegetation. Fluorescence is a sensitive probe of photosynthetic function in both healthy and physiologically perturbed vegetation, and a powerful non-invasive tool to track the status, resilience, and recovery of photochemical processes and moreover provides important information on overall photosynthetic performance with implications for related carbon sequestration. The early responsiveness of fluorescence to atmospheric, soil and plant water balance, as well as to atmospheric chemistry and human intervention in land usage makes it an ob…
Upward and downward solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence yield indices of four tree species as indicators of traffic pollution in Valencia
Abstract: Passive steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence (Fs) provides a direct diagnosis of the functional status of vegetation photosynthesis. With the prospect of mapping Fs using remote sensing techniques, field measurements are mandatory to understand to which extent Fs allows detecting plant stress in different environments. Trees of four common species in Valencia were classified in either a low or a high local traffic exposure class based on their leaf magnetic value. Upward and downward hyperspectral fluorescence yield (FY) and indices based on the two Fs peaks (at 687 and 741 nm) were calculated. FY indices of P. canariensis and P. x acerifolia were significantly different between …
Chlorophyll content mapping of urban vegetation in the city of Valencia based on the hyperspectral NAOC index
Abstract: Spatially distributed chlorophyll content of urban vegetation provides an important indicator of a plant's health status, which might depend on the habitat quality of the specific urban environment. Recent advances in optical remote sensing led to improved methodologies to monitor vegetation properties. The hyperspectral index NAOC (Normalized Area Over reflectance Curve) is one of these new tools that can be used for mapping chlorophyll content. In this paper we present the work done to quantify vegetation chlorophyll content over the city of Valencia (Spain) based on chlorophyll measurements of four representative tree species: the London plane tree (Platanus x. acerifolia), the…
A field study on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment parameters along a vertical canopy gradient of four tree species in an urban environment
Abstract: To better understand the potential uses of vegetation indices based on the sun-induced upward and downward chlorophyll fluorescence at leaf and at canopy scales, a field study was carried out in the city of Valencia (Spain). Fluorescence yield (FY) indices were derived for trees at different traffic intensity locations and at three canopy heights. This allowed investigating within-tree and between-tree variations of FY indices for four tree species. Several FY indices showed a significant (p < 0.05) and important effect of tree location for the species Morus alba (white mulberry) and Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island date palm). The upward FY parameters of M. alba, and the upward…