Micale Rosa
Life cycle assessment of a new industrial process for sustainable construction materials
One of the key sectors for the green transition of European countries is construction, that is more and more asked to evolve towards innovative ecological binders and green cost-effective processes. The construction sector is highly energy intensive, and the cement production is one of the main sources of environmental pollution in the world. In this regard, GeoPolymers (GP) seem to be promising for a sustainable replacement of cementitious materials. Therefore, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the industrial production of different formulations of Geopolymer Concrete (GC) was performed in this study after scaling up the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) from a laboratory scale to an industrial …
A proposal for sorting a projects portfolio through the ELECTRE TRI method focused on the European strategy
In recent years, the partnerships between private companies and public organizations are becoming key elements for improving local development, territorial competitiveness, and delivering innovation. These collaborations are widely promoted by the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation thanks to the provision of several instruments, such as Horizon 2020. In this context, competitiveness's improvement of the territory employing research and innovation actions is supported by the technological districts. In Sicily, the AgroBioPesca district has attempted a strategic action named "Call for ideas" in order to design its own roadmap for research and innovation in the agri-food …
Reusing coffee ground waste in manufacture of novel sustainable product
Coffee is one of the most important commodities in the world. Every year the coffee industry is responsible for generating a large amount of wastes, mainly Spent Coffee Grounds (SCGs). The traditional disposal of this residue into the environment should be avoided due to its toxicity and organic character. Because of the decrease in nonrenewable natural resources, society has been making a huge effort to valorize and reuse several types of wastes in the production of novel sustainable products. In this regard, construction is considered one of the most energy-intensive sectors. As a consequence, the goals of sustainability and energy efficiency must be prosecuted to achieve the results expe…