Johan Kristian Andreasen
School-based mentor teachers as boundary-crossers in an initial teacher education partnership
Teacher educators are constantly challenged to collaborate across organizational boundaries between higher education and schools. This study examines a school-university partnership in Norway where school-based mentor teachers are co-employed in short-term contracts as joint faculty, collaborating on subject development, co-planning, and co-instruction. The study is based on interviews with 11 school-based mentor teachers co-employed as joint faculty. A reflexive thematic analysis elicited three main perspectives on the participants' experiences: (a) professional dissonance; (b) professional contribution; and (c) professional growth. The analysis identified some of the complexities from wor…
Being a teacher and teacher educator : The antecedents of teacher educator identity among mentor teachers
Access and use by the CC-BY-NC-ND user license Although teachers’ professional identities have been the subject of extensive study, the field still lacks knowledge about the development of a professional identity for mentor teachers. These teachers take on multifaceted professional roles as teachers and teacher educators. In the present paper, we investigate the professional identity of mentor teachers partnered with two universities in Norway. The study adopts a quantitative approach and report on survey data from the mentor teachers. The results demonstrate that school climate, individual beliefs about the role, and university collaboration predict the development of a teacher educator id…
Emosjonell kompetanse i gruppeveiledning
Emosjonell kompetanse hos gruppeveiledere er viktig for å kunne håndtere egne følelser og samtidig evne å forstå andres følelser på en konstruktiv måte. Hensikten med denne studien er å utforske hvordan gruppeveiledere opplever og intensjonelt anvender sin emosjonelle kompetanse i veiledning av grupper. Datamaterialet er basert på dybdeintervjuer med tre gruppeveiledere og analysert ved bruk av den konstant komparative metode. Tre hovedtema ble identifisert: (1) emosjonelle responser, (2) empatisk tilstedeværelse, og (3) fasilitering av emosjonell kompetanse hos veisøkere. Resultatene understreker betydningen av selvbevissthet og empatisk tilstedeværelse hos veilederen som danner grunnlag f…