Hard sphere fluids at a soft repulsive wall: A comparative study using Monte Carlo and density functional methods
Hard-sphere fluids confined between parallel plates at a distance D apart are studied for a wide range of packing fractions including also the onset of crystallization, applying Monte Carlo simulation techniques and density functional theory. The walls repel the hard spheres (of diameter σ) with a Weeks-Chandler-Andersen (WCA) potential V(WCA)(z) = 4ε[(σ(w)/z)(12) - (σ(w)/z)(6) + 1/4], with range σ(w) = σ/2. We vary the strength ε over a wide range and the case of simple hard walls is also treated for comparison. By the variation of ε one can change both the surface excess packing fraction and the wall-fluid (γ(wf)) and wall-crystal (γ(wc)) surface free energies. Several different methods t…
Simulation of fluid-solid coexistence in finite volumes: A method to study the properties of wall-attached crystalline nuclei
The Asakura-Oosawa model for colloid-polymer mixtures is studied by Monte Carlo simulations at densities inside the two-phase coexistence region of fluid and solid. Choosing a geometry where the system is confined between two flat walls, and a wall-colloid potential that leads to incomplete wetting of the crystal at the wall, conditions can be created where a single nanoscopic wall-attached crystalline cluster coexists with fluid in the remainder of the simulation box. Following related ideas that have been useful to study heterogeneous nucleation of liquid droplets at the vapor-liquid coexistence, we estimate the contact angles from observations of the crystalline clusters in thermal equil…
Methods to Compute Pressure and Wall Tension in Fluids containing Hard Particles
Colloidal systems are often modelled as fluids of hard particles (possibly with an additional soft attraction, e.g. caused by polymers also contained in the suspension). in simulations of such systems, the virial theorem cannot be straightforwardly applied to obtain the components of the pressure tensor. In systems confined by walls, it is hence also not straightforward to extract the excess energy due to the wall (the "wall tension") from the pressure tensor anisotropy. A comparative evaluation of several methods to circumvent this problem is presented, using as examples fluids of hard spheres and the Asakura-Oosawa model of colloid-polymer mixtures with a size ratio $q=0.15$ (for which th…