Marco Finazzi
Harmonic generation in all-dielectric metasurfaces
Nonlinear light generation is a key phenomenon in many optical systems. Recently, the field of nonlinear optics has moved to the miniaturization of conventional bulky components. Among all the new platforms that have been proposed, dielectric nanoscale resonators represent excellent candidates for light generation and manipulation. When arranged in periodic arrays, such high refractive index scattering components become an artificial material called metasurface. Several approaches for designing platforms with enhanced optical nonlinearities at moderate pump intensities have been proposed. In this chapter, we review the most recent results on second- and third-order nonlinear processes in hi…
Tailoring Third-Harmonic Diffraction Efficiency by Hybrid Modes in High-Q Metasurfaces
Metasurfaces are versatile tools for manipulating light; however, they have received little attention as devices for the efficient control of nonlinearly diffracted light. Here, we demonstrate nonlinear wavefront control through third-harmonic generation (THG) beaming into diffraction orders with efficiency tuned by excitation of hybrid Mie-quasi-bound states in the continuum (BIC) modes in a silicon metasurface. Simultaneous excitation of the high-Q collective Mie-type modes and quasi-BIC modes leads to their hybridization and results in a local electric field redistribution. We probe the hybrid mode by measuring far-field patterns of THG and observe the strong switching between (0,-1) and…
Intravalley spin-flip relaxation dynamics in single-layer WS2
Two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) have been widely studied because of the peculiar electronic band structure and the strong excitonic effects [1]. In these materials the large spin-orbit coupling lifts the spin degeneracy of the valence (VB) and the conduction band (CB) giving rise to the A and B interband excitonic transitions. In monolayer WS2, the spins of electrons in the lowest CB and in the highest VB at K/K' point of the Brillouin zone are antiparallel resulting in an intravalley dark exciton state at a lower energy than the bright exciton, see left panel of Fig.1. On the one hand, the presence of dark excitons has been revealed indirectly from the observation o…
Manipulating Light with Tunable Nanoantennas and Metasurfaces
The extensive progress in nanofabrication techniques enabled innovative methods for molding light at the nanoscale. Subwavelength structured optical elements and, in general, metasurfaces and metamaterials achieved promising results in several research areas, such as holography, microscopy, sensing and nonlinear optics. Still, a demanding challenge is represented by the development of innovative devices with reconfigurable optical properties. Here, we review recent achievements in the field of tunable metasurface. After a brief general introduction about metasurfaces, we will discuss two different mechanisms to implement tunable properties of optical elements at the nanoscale. In particular…
Real-time observation of the intravalley spin-flip process in single-layer WS2
We use helicity-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy to track intravalley scattering dynamics in monolayer WS2. We find that spin-polarized carriers scatter from upper to lower conduction band by reversing their spin orientation on a sub-ps timescale.
Optical tuning of dielectric nanoantennas for thermo-optically reconfigurable nonlinear metasurfaces
We demonstrate optically tunable control of second-harmonic generation in all-dielectric nanoantennas: by using a control beam that is absorbed by the nanoresonator, we thermo-optically change the refractive index of the radiating element to modulate the amplitude of the second-harmonic signal. For a moderate temperature increase of roughly 40 K, modulation of the efficiency up to 60% is demonstrated; this large tunability of the single meta-atom response paves the way to exciting avenues for reconfigurable homogeneous and heterogeneous metasurfaces.
Third-harmonic light polarization control in magnetically resonant silicon metasurfaces
Nonlinear metasurfaces have become prominent tools for controlling and engineering light at the nanoscale. Usually, the polarization of the total generated third harmonic is studied. However, diffraction orders may present different polarizations. Here, we design an high quality factor silicon metasurface for third harmonic generation and perform back focal plane imaging of the diffraction orders, which present a rich variety of polarization states. Our results demonstrate the possibility of tailoring the polarization of the generated nonlinear diffraction orders paving the way to a higher degree of wavefront control.