Sarmite Katkevica
Real-time detection of highly oxidized organosulfates and BSOA marker compounds during the F–BEACh 2014 field study
Abstract. The chemical composition of organic aerosols was analyzed using complementary mass spectrometric techniques during a field study in Central Europe in July 2014 (Fichtelgebirge – Biogenic Emission and Aerosol Chemistry, F–BEACh 2014). Aerosols were analyzed in real-time by Aerosol Flowing Atmospheric-Pressure Afterglow Mass Spectrometry (AeroFAPA–MS), Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS), and Chemical Ionization Atmospheric-Pressure interface Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (CI–APiToF–MS). In addition, offline detection of acidic organic compounds was conducted by non-target screening of filter samples using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) in combination with Ultra-High Pressu…
Lewis acid-catalyzed Beckmann rearrangement of ketoximes in ionic liquids
Abstract The Beckmann rearrangement of five ketoximes was done in 17 different ionic liquids by using four Lewis acids. The effect of the type of cation and the type of anion in the ionic liquid on the rate of the rearrangement reaction and product composition is compared and discussed. The effects of the hydrophobicity and the hydrogen bonding ability of ionic liquids on the rearrangement of ketoximes were investigated, as well as the catalytical activity of the Lewis acids.