Riza Demirer
Oil price shocks, global financial markets and their connectedness
Abstract This paper extends the literature on the relationship between oil price shocks and financial markets by examining the effect of oil shocks on the sovereign bond markets of a large number of advanced and emerging economies and exploring the impact of oil shocks on the degree of connectedness among international financial markets. We show that the effect of oil price shocks is not only limited to stock market returns, but also extends to bond markets, even after controlling for discount rate shocks as well as aggregate capital market effects. Unlike the case for stock markets, the effect on sovereign bonds is found to be rather heterogeneous (in terms of size and sign) and primarily …
Cross-border capital flows and information spillovers across the equity and currency markets in emerging economies
This paper presents a novel perspective on the interaction between equity and currency markets in emerging market economies (EMEs) by (i) examining the nonlinear effects of capital flows on return spillovers between the stock and currency markets in a sample of twelve EMEs via the causality-in-quantiles approach of Balcilar et al., (2016), and (ii) providing a comparative analysis of the influence of debt versus equity flows over the spillover patterns. We show that the causal effects of international debt and equity flows on return spillovers across the equity and FX markets are largely concentrated at lower quantiles, suggesting that the arrival of information via capital flows tends to e…