Biomechanical and histological evaluation of abdominal wall compliance with intraperitoneal onlay mesh implants in rabbits: A comparison of six different state-of-the-art meshes
Abstract Background An ideal prosthetic mesh for incisional hernia repair should mimic the anisotropic compliance of the abdominal wall, and at lower loads should exhibit higher distensibility without impairment of safety at higher loads. This study evaluated the biomechanical properties of six meshes in a rabbit model. Methods New Zealand white rabbits were used for this study. Two meshes of the same brand (Ethicon Physiomesh™, Bard Composix ® L/P, Gore Dualmesh ® , Bard Sepramesh ® , Ethicon Proceed ® or Parietex™ Composite) were implanted into each animal for assessment of intra-abdominal hernia repair, with a total of ten meshes per group. Twelve weeks after implantation, the abdominal …