Igor Henrique Morais Silva
Impact of xerostomia on the quality of life of patients submitted to head and neck radiotherapy
Background The aim of the present work was to evaluate the impact of xerostomia on the quality of life of patients who underwent radiotherapy in the head and neck region. Material and Methods This was a cross-sectional, quantitative study. The sample comprised 40 patients whose xerostomia was classified through the xerostomia inventory and the quality of life evaluated through the oral health impact profile questionnaire (OHIP). Results The majority of participants were male (75%), mean age 58.7 years. According to the degree of severity of the xerostomia, the average score among the participants was 36 points, this being considered moderate xerostomia. A significant impact was observed, wi…
Evaluation of the salivary function of patients in treatment with radiotherapy for head and neck cancer submitted to photobiomodulation
Background Head and neck radiotherapy is typically associated with toxicities that can have profound effects on the patient's quality of life. Xerostomia, which may or may not be related to hypofunction of the salivary gland, leading to negative consequences, mainly in quality of life, leaving patients more susceptible to the development of oral mucositis, dental caries, oral infection and difficulties in speech is one of the most common side effects of such treatment. The aim of the present study was to evaluate salivary function of patients in treatment with radiotherapy for head and neck cancer submitted to photobiomodulation. Material and Methods A cross-sectional study with a quantitat…