N. A. Kondratiev
The large-area micro-channel plate entrance detector of the heavy-ion magnetic spectrometer PRISMA
This paper describes the entrance detector of the magnetic spectrometer PRISMA recently installed at Legnaro. The detector is based on rectangular (80 x 100 mm(2)) Micro-Channel Plates (MCP). It provides a fast time signal and its position-sensitive anode allows to extract the X and Y information. It exploits an electrostatic field for the acceleration of secondary electrons from a thin Carbon foil (similar or equal to 20 mu g/cm(2)) onto the MCP assembly. The electrons are guided by a parallel magnetic field. Good performances were obtained in the laboratory tests. The detector is presently installed at the entrance of PRISMA and gives resolutions <= 400 ps in time, and 1 mm in both X and …
Neutron and gamma-ray emission in the proton induced fission of 238U and 242Pu
Abstract Average prescission Mpren and postscission Mpostn neutron multiplicities as well as average γ-ray multiplicity 〈Mγ〉, average energy 〈Eγ〉 emitted by γ-rays as a function of mass and total kinetic energy (TKE) of fission fragments were measured in proton induced reactions p+ 242 Pu→ 243 Am , p+ 238 U→ 239 Np at proton energy Ep=13, 20 and 55 MeV.
Fusion suppression in mass-asymmetric reactions leading to Ra compound nuclei
Near-barrier excitation functions have been measured for evaporation-residue production and fission in the 12C + 204,206,208Pb and 48Ca + 168,170Er systems that lead to the compound nuclei 216,218,220Ra*. A Pronounced suppression of evaporation-residue production is observed for the more symmetric combinations, 48Ca + 168,170Er. We relate this to the significant quasifission components already observed for these systems.