Jari Penttilä
Applying Patterns for Improving Subcontracting Management
This paper studies inter-organizational communication of strategic design information. The focus is on global software subcontracting, where communication problems are common. Software patterns, which have been recognized as a valuable tool in software development, are proposed to be means to facilitate the communication of design information in subcontracting relationship. The position of patterns in subcontracting related processes are studied and the implications of introducing patterns to software subcontracting relationship are analyzed. As a result an evaluation of software patterns’ suitability as means for efficient, systematic and explicit communication in managing the subcontracti…
Producing Lecture Videos from Face-to-face Teaching
There is a clear demand for lecture videos in modern education. Nevertheless, the desire to keep face-to-face education remains as well. In such a case, the natural option is to produce videos in face-to-face teaching situations rather than in a studio environment. The challenge this kind of production faces is how to make it to cover an entire degree program cost-efficiently while serving the purpose intended. This article explains the demands set for video production in the context of face-to-face education at the scale of a degree program and how to effectively respond to them in practice. The paper also evaluates the effectiveness and impacts of the production model developed in connect…
The Role of Log Entries in the Quality Control of Video Distribution
Diversification of university teaching with the help of video lectures has become much more common during the past few years. Once videos have become an essential part of teaching arrangements, whoever organizes the teaching must also pay attention to factors related to videos in quality system work for teaching. In the video production process it is the factors related to video transmission that exert influence on the usability of videos and set limitations for their production. A lot of information about those factors can be obtained from the media server log files. The particular focus of this paper is on the functionality of the connection between a server and a client and its effect on…
Asiakassuhdemarkkinointi ja sanomalehtien asiakashallinta : konstruktiivinen tutkimus transitionaalisella toimialalla
Sanomalehdistöllä on perinteisesti ollut Suomessa erittäin vahva asema. Viime vuosikymmenen ajan sanomalehtien yhteenlaskettu levikki on kuitenkin jatkuvasti laskenut, ja lehtien osuus mediamainonnasta pienentynyt. Kiristyvä kilpailu kuluttajien ajankäytöstä ja mainostajien markoista onkin saanut lehdet miettimään, miten asiakassuhteita voitaisiin lujittaa ja asiakastyytyväisyyttä parantaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten asiakassuhdemarkkinoinnin paradigmaa ja sitä tukevia asiakashallintajärjestelmiä voidaan hyödyntää sanomalehtitoimialalla ja erityisesti lehtien levikkimarkkinoinnissa. Tutkimus on konstruktiivinen, soveltava tapaustutkimus. Sen toimeksiantajina oli se…
The effect of time and place dependence when utilizing video lectures
In many learning institutes, diversification of teaching with the help of various technologies has become an essential part of educational arrangements. With the increase in the use of networks for teaching purposes, the use of streaming videos is now one of the possibilities to be reckoned with in trying to increase flexibility in studies. Specially recorded on-demand videos provide the students with better chances to decide when, where and how to study. Information on how students use on-demand videos can be obtained, apart from student questionnaires, from the log files of a media server. These files offer an information source that, on the one hand, is diverse but, on the other, cumbers…