Kaisa Jokiranta

Students' dialogic and justifying moves during dialogic argumentation in mathematics and physics

In this study, we focus on dialogic argumentation among students in a whole class setting in mathematics and physics in lower secondary school. By drawing on previous studies on the structure of argumentation and dialogic interactions, we suggest that transparency of student reasoning and students' engagement with each other's ideas are two key aspects in dialogic argumentation. We examine what levels might exist in these key aspects and how they can exist simultaneously. We collected data by video recording mathematics and physics lessons in lower secondary school, and created a coding scheme for students' dialogic and justifying moves. By using the coding scheme, we recognized different k…

research product

Analyzing science teachers’ support of dialogic argumentation using teacher roles of questioning and communicative approaches

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers use different types of discourse to support dialogic argumentation. Dialogic argumentation is a collaborative process in which students construct arguments together and examine arguments presented by their peers. Science teachers can use argumentation as a vehicle to help students gain a working understanding of science content and the nature of science and its practices. Whole-class closing discussions from video-recorded lessons are analyzed to study the discourse used to support argumentation by two physics teachers in lower secondary schools. Analysis of discourse includes coding of communicative approach at the episode level and …

research product

Attending to and fostering argumentation in whole class discussion

Prior studies highlighted the importance of whole class discussion after student activities and have focused, for example, on teacher moves in supporting discussion. We characterize two processes in teacher-students interaction in argumentation discussions: attending to and fostering. These processes describe how student argumentation feeds teacher talk that in turn feeds student argumentation. We analysed video recordings of one whole class 7th grade lesson when students made geometric constructions and engaged in argumentation discussion. We elaborated on four themes in how the teacher talk attended to and fostered student argumentation. We argue that the concepts of attending to and fost…

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Enhancing Dialogic Argumentation in Mathematics and Science

This paper reports on a teacher professional development (PD) programme addressing dialogic argumentation in mathematics and science classrooms. While argumentation skills are becoming more and more important in an increasingly polarised society, the social aspect of argumentation is often neglected in secondary education. Moreover, it is agreed that genuine argumentation requires time and space in classroom dialogue. There have been calls for research delving into how teachers could be familiarised with dialogic argumentation so that they could foster such dialogue in students. The described PD programme features versatile and continuous cooperation between scholars and participating teach…

research product

Teacher orchestration of classroom interaction in science: exploring dialogic and authoritative passages in whole-class discussions

Whereas science is fundamentally a result of a dialogic debate, the authoritative approach has been conceived of as a fundamental part of school science. Dialogic interactions encompass the mutual appreciation of different ideas manifested in teacher supportiveness toward students and, in authoritative interactions, the focus is more on the science’s or teacher’s point of view. Whereas dialogic and authoritative interactions have been viewed as oppositional in recent educational research, authoritative interactions could well be the seed for and give strength and meaning to dialogic interactions, and thus, to the overall dialogue. The focus in this study is on the interplay between authorit…

research product

Three Dimensions of Dialogicity in Dialogic Argumentation

Three dimensions of dialogicity are emphasised in the literature: dialogic teacher talk, students' dialogic moves and organising for dialogic teaching. In this article, we examine these dimensions and the interplay between them in supporting dialogic argumentation in the context of whole-class discussions in mathematics and physics. Three seemingly different seventh-grade lessons were selected for further analysis from the database of a research project on dialogic argumentation. In this paper, we focus on whole-class discussions after a group assignment. The lessons were video recorded with multiple cameras and transcribed. We characterised dialogic features of teacher talk, more general t…

research product

The Effectiveness of Practical Work in Science Education

Kokeellinen työskentely nähdään oleellisena osana fysiikan opetusta kouluissa. Kuitenkin sen tehokkuus opetusmenetelmänä on kyseenalaistettu: vaikka oppilaat nauttivat kokeellisesta työskentelystä, he eivät tunnu oppivan sen avulla muuta kuin käytännön laboratoriotaitoja. Tätä aihetta ei ole vielä tutkittu laajasti Suomesssa, mutta muualla maailmassa aihe on ollut tutkijoiden mielenkiinnon kohteena jo vuosikymmeniä. Tämä työ on katsaus aiheesta kirjoitetuista artikkeleista kolmen viime vuosikymmenen ajalta. Practical work is seen as an essential part of teaching and learning physics. Indeed it's position has been confirmed by researchers, teachers as well as national curricula. Students see…

research product

The nature of teacher discourse during practical work in lower secondary physics education

Tämä Pro Gradu-tutkielma käsittelee opettajan puhetta kokeellisen työskentelyn aikana suomalaisissa yläkouluissa. Työn tavoite on esitellä tilanne kouluissa sellaisena kuin sen on nyt ja siten toivottavasti innostaa opettajia tarkkailemaan, pohtimaan ja muuntelemaan omaa puhettaan kokeellisia töitä ohjatessa. Työn analyysiosuudessa tehtiin kvalitatiivinen sisällönanalyysi kahdeksalle videoidulle oppitunnille. Tuntien aiheita olivat sähköteho, sähköenergia ja sähkön hinta. Opettajan puheen sisältöä tutkittiin yhtäältä havaintojen ja käsinkosketeltavien asioiden ja toisaalta fysiikan abstraktien teorioiden ja mallien kannalta. Opettaja puhe luokiteltiin kuuluvaksi joko ideoiden piiriin I, esi…

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