L Saporito

Morphometric analysis of the shells of the Genus Bolivina from the Gulf of Gela (Sicilian Channel, Italy): a valid classification instrument?

research product

Catalogo pomologico degli Antichi fruttiferi di Sicilia

research product

Resilienza delle foreste mediterranee. Le buone pratiche del progetto RESILFORMED.

The Resilformed LIFE project aims to preserve forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean against the risks resulting from climate change, through naturalization, increase biodiversity and improved responsiveness in the recovery process from destabilizing events. The article illustrates the best practices identified through the analysis provided by the project and the system to evaluate different interventions summarized in a survey form.

research product

Use of Cepheid Xpert Carba-R® for Rapid Detection of Carbapenemase-Producing Bacteria in Abdominal Septic Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit.

Abstract Early institution of effective antibiotic therapy and source control are pivotal to improve survival of abdominal septic patients. Xpert® Carba-R is a real time polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid detection and differentiation of five genes (blaKPC, blaVIM, blaOXA-48, blaIMP-1, blaNDM) responsible for carbapenem resistance. We performed an observational study investigating the clinical usefulness and applicability of Xpert® Carba-R to detect carbapenem resistance in abdominal septic patients admitted to intensive care unit. We compared the results of Xpert® Carba-R with standard microbiological culture. We collected a set of two rectal/stomia swabs and two swabs from abdomina…

research product

Resilienza al cambiamento climatico delle foreste mediterranee

Gli ecosistemi forestali e pre-forestali della Sicilia sono caratterizzati da semplificazione e fragilità strutturale che potrebbero aumentare per effetto dei cambiamenti climatici in atto. In questo contesto si inserisce il Progetto LIFE11+ Resilformed che vede coinvolti il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali dell’Università di Palermo, la D.R.E.Am Italia, il Corpo Forestale della Regione Siciliana ed il Dipartimento dello Sviluppo Rurale e Territoriale della Regione Siciliana in qualità di capofila. L’obiettivo generale del progetto è individuare opportuni interventi per salvaguardare i sistemi forestali mediterranei dai rischi derivanti dai cambiamenti climatici, aumentandone sta…

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