Antonio Giallanza
A sizing approach for stand-alone hybrid photovoltaic-wind-battery systems: A Sicilian case study
Abstract Solar and wind energy are the two most available renewable energy resources in the world. In this paper, a high-resolution analysis that allows sizing a hybrid photovoltaic-wind turbine-battery banks has been carried out. The analysis aims to minimize the annualized cost of the systems satisfying two reliability constraints. The solution has been obtained numerically by means of an iterative technique. The decision variables are the photovoltaic area, wind turbine radius, and battery capacity. A high-resolution model, based on fuzzy logic inference system, has been developed to evaluate the number of active occupants and the domestic electricity consumption. In order to allow a mor…
The present paper aims to offer a synthetic project performance indicator (PPI) that aggregates two input parameters obtained by the Earned Value Analysis. The PPI is calculated by using a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) able to single out a measure based on the input parameters, instead of formulating a mathematical model that could be a troublesome task whenever complex relations among the input variables exist. The purpose is to communicate the project performance to the stakeholders in a clear and complete way, for example, describing the PPI by means of contour lines.
Lo studio, frutto dell’attività di ricerca svolta dal DICGIM dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo in partnership con l’Engineering Department della Ustica Lines S.p.A. nell’ambito di un progetto finanziato con fondi PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013, analizza preliminarmente le cause di guasto comportanti la fermata di un battello a sostentamento alare HSC per trasporto passeggeri al fine di individuare i componenti critici del mezzo. Individuato tale componente nel sistema di stabilizzazione, viene valutato l’impatto economico che il fermo del battello comporta sui costi operativi della Compagnia di navigazione. L’entità di tali costi, anche in termini di mancata utilizzazione del me…
Propulsion monitoring system for digitized ship management: Preliminary results from a case study
Abstract The paradigm of Industry 4.0 a fundamental driver of innovation in marine industry, where the new digital era will see the development of smart cyber-ships equipped with advanced automation systems that will progressively evolve towards fully autonomous vessels. Although the journey towards such technological frontier has started, most companies operating in the maritime sector still appear un-prepared to face the future scenario. In the maritime sector, in fact, empirical models and oversimplified approaches are still largely employed for the management of fleet operations. There is thus the necessity of developing and providing operative models for digitized ship management, whic…
Lo studio, frutto dell’attività di ricerca svolta dal DICGIM dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo in partnership con l’Engineering Department della Ustica Lines S.p.A. nell’ambito di un progetto finanziato con fondi PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013, analizza preliminarmente le cause di guasto comportanti la fermata di un aliscafo HSC per trasporto passeggeri al fine di individuare i componenti critici del mezzo. Individuato tale criticità nel sistema di stabilizzazione, viene valutato l’impatto economico del fermo del battello sui costi operativi della Compagnia di navigazione. L’entità di tali costi, anche in termini di mancata utilizzazione del mezzo, comporta la necessità di un ap…
Study of a Semi Active Electromagnetic Regenerative Suspension
The main objective of this work is the theoretical and numerical study of a device that allows recovering energy from an automobile suspension. In place of the viscous damper, which dissipates the kinetic energy of the vehicle due to rough roads or more marked obstacles, an electromagnetic damper performs the functions of the viscous shock absorber with a recovery of electric energy. The damper has permanent magnets and its working is based on the electromagnetic induction. The used ferromagnetic material is the Supermendur, which has very good ferromagnetic properties, but is expensive and difficult to found, so that the choice of different material is useful to reduce the costs. The mathe…
Experimental and numerical analysis of aluminum-aluminum bolted joints subject to an indentation process
Abstract The increasing interest of the industry (especially automotive, aviation and marine) in the fastener joints (riveted, bolted, etc.) between metallic materials, has re-opened the study on the possibility to improve the performance of the drilled structure using plastic deformation processes. Indentation process, performed before the drilling operation, creates circumferential compression stresses around the hole which increase significantly the mechanical performance of the drilled structures. In this paper, static and the fatigue performances of aluminum–aluminum (AW 6082-T6) single-lap bolted joints are studied. In particular, the study compares the mechanical strength of only dri…
Numerical and experimental analysis of a high innovative hydrofoil
The hydrofoil is a craft where the weight is entirely supported by the lift generated by the submerged part of wings. The particular structure of the craft requires a thorough study of the architecture of the hull, whose structure differs from others high speed vessels since the lift on wing surfaces are transmitted to the hull in limited areas (wing attacks). The authors have developed a research to optimize geometry of hull and wing system on a hydrofoil capable to carry 250 passengers at a speed of 35 knots, operating among Sicilian island. The principal goals of the new hydrofoil concern both the fuel reduction that the improvement of the comfort in terms of seakeeping and levels of aco…
Design of a Close Power Loop Test Bench for Contra-Rotating Propellers
The aim of the research is to develop an azimuthing contra-rotating propeller for commercial applications with a power of 2000 kW. The thruster system is designed especially to be installed on high speed crafts (HSCs) for passenger transport with a cruising speed of about 35–40 knots. The topic is very useful because the azimuth thruster solutions currently do not find commercial applications in naval units for passenger transport. The latter are heavy, not very efficient from a hydrodynamic point of view and suitable for maximum cruising speed of about 18–20 knots. The study is interesting because among the advantages that these solutions provide are the possibility of transmitting very hi…
La portualità marittima passeggeri siciliana: un modello interpretativo.
An Empirical Investigation of Green Product Design and Development Strategies for Eco Industries Using Kano Model and Fuzzy AHP
Collaboration in green product design and development is becoming more significant to ensure a brighter future for eco industries, and research into such innovation has increased in recent years. So, it has been emphasized by practitioners that green thinking should be adopted from the design stage through the development stage and into the disposal stage of a product. However, it is challenging to identify the severity of strategies that mainly hampers the growth of green product design and development (GPDD). The current research aimed to identify and rank various strategies based on their significant impact on the development of green product design. The study contains three segments: (1…
Towards Shipping 4.0. A preliminary gap analysis
Abstract The paradigm of Industry 4.0 involves a substantial innovation to the value creation approach thought the supply chain and the application of digital enabling technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics (BDA) and cloud computing. The fourth industrial revolution is thus expected to have a disruptive impact on maritime transport and shipping sectors, where smart ships and autonomous vessels well be part of a new and fully interconnected maritime ecosystem. Specific hardware components, such as sensors, actuators, or processors will be embedded in the ship’s key systems in order to provide valuable information to increase the efficiency, sustainability and safe…
Analysis of the maximization of wind turbine energy yield using a continuously variable transmission system
Abstract In this paper, an analytic study of the subject of mechanical power transmission in HAWT wind turbine has been carried out. For the most part, the study analyzes the use of continuously variable transmission (CVT) in order to allow the turbine and the electric generator to couple, allowing in turn, an unremitting transmission ratio adjustment. In low-wind sites, the design criteria suggest an oversizing of the wind turbine in order to generate adequate electrical power even at low wind speed. The proposed solution enhances the space of operating points since it allows the electric generator to release the rotational speed from the turbine one (limited due to structural integrity). …
Design of the stabilization control system of a high-speed craft
In this paper, the main causes of technical malfunction of a hydrofoil was analyzed. In particular, a preliminary analysis evaluates the economic impact for the navigation company of the periodical maintenance related to the keeping of the vessel in dry dock. The study demonstrated that the main critical points are focused on the fragility of the stabilization control system. The increasing of operating costs has motivated the realization of a study aimed at redesigning the stabilization system. The continuing failure of the stabilization system (usually in water-immersed) severely limits the use of the high-speed craft. The proposed design solution considers the positioning of the control …
Industry 4.0 Technologies for Manufacturing Sustainability: A Systematic Review and Future Research Directions
Recent developments in manufacturing processes and automation have led to the new industrial revolution termed “Industry 4.0”. Industry 4.0 can be considered as a broad domain which includes: data management, manufacturing competitiveness, production processes and efficiency. The term Industry 4.0 includes a variety of key enabling technologies i.e., cyber physical systems, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, big data analytics and digital twins which can be considered as the major contributors to automated and digital manufacturing environments. Sustainability can be considered as the core of business strategy which is highlighted in the United Nations (UN) Sustainability 2030 age…
Effects of the indentation process on fatigue life of drilled specimens: optimization of the distance between adjacent holes
The generation of permanent compressive stresses around the holes is recognized as a valuable mean to delay the onset and propagation of the defects and to extend the fatigue life of the mechanical components. In the work, a bilateral indentation process, performed on each side of the component, is widely used in order to create a residual circumferential stress field around the area to be drilled and that persists after the drilling operation. In order to evaluate the process parameters and to identify optimal geometric solutions, several static and fatigue tests are conducted on AW 6082-T6 aluminum alloy specimen where two holes are created. In particular, experimental tests on only drill…
Effect of the indentation process on fatigue life of drilled specimens
Design and manufacture of mechanical elements are strongly influenced by the evaluation of the residual stresses due to their effects on the material strength. This paper presents numerical and experimental results performed on AW 6082-T6 aluminum alloy drilled specimens when the hole is created after a bilateral indentation process. The plastic deformation induced by the indenters creates a compressive residual stress field around the hole, which persists after the drilling operation. Several numerical analysis have been carried out in ANSYS APDL explicit solver for different indentation depths and hole diameters in order to evaluate the compressive circumferential stresses, optimal proces…
Beverage Vending Machine
Life cycle analysis of innovative building materials based on circular coffee ground supply chain
The construction sector is widely recognized as one of the most polluting mainly due to its intensive exploitation of natural resources and large energy consumption to produce traditional building materials. In the last years, alternative building materials have been developed with the aim to reduce the environmental burden of this sector. In particular, the use of geopolymer mortars as alternative cementitious materials is gaining increasing acceptance among scientists. Numerous laboratory studies demonstrate their suitability for construction applications, highlighting the potential environmental benefits that can be obtained from their large-scale production. This study aims to perform a…
Attualmente i sistemi di controllo direzionale (timone) e di stabilità (flap) dei battelli veloci per il trasporto passeggeri (HSC) sono realizzati con elementi scatolari in acciaio. Ciò è essenzialmente dovuto alle notevoli sollecitazioni idrodinamiche che tali elementi sopportano a causa dell’elevata velocità di crociera. L’esigenza di ridurre il peso di tali elementi e di aumentarne la resistenza alle azioni corrosive esterne spinge ad una ricerca su materiali e tecnologie di fabbricazioni innovative. In questo studio è presentato il progetto di un timone, realizzato in materiale ibrido composito e acciaio, da impiegare su un battello per trasporto veloce passeggeri.
Ranking of occupational health and safety risks by a multi-criteria perspective: Inclusion of human factors and application of VIKOR
Nowadays, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is more and more recognized as a crucial process to be properly managed and continuously improved by every organization. Primarily addressed to prevent workers’ injuries and diseases, it positively impacts on productivity, competitiveness and reputation as well as it con-tributes to cost savings in general. OHS management is grounded upon the risk assessment results, on the basis of which defining corrective measures to be taken to reduce risks to acceptable values. In this regard, the paper proposes a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) based methodology addressed to the occupational risks prioritization. In order to overcome the shortco…
Interactive roll stabilization comparative analysis for large yacht: gyroscope versus active fins
The problem of the active stabilization of ship motions is particularly important in the case of pleasure boats or in any case of passenger ships, since the commercial value of the ship is directly related to the comfort of the load transported in this case “people”, considered as stresses induced on them by the vessel movements, with particular attention to roll, given the ship geometric characteristics. Naval architects developed trough the years different solutions to reduce the roll of the ship, and consequentially to increase the passengers comfort, and the development of this solutions followed the progress of technology. Active fins have been the most used, but now the gyroscope solu…
Grazie alle peculiari performances meccaniche, quali soprattutto l’elevata resistenza a flessione unita ad un basso peso specifico, le strutture sandwich in composito sono sempre più frequentemente utilizzate nella moderna progettazione industriale. Nel presente lavoro, considerando un composito sandwich con skins in vetroresina e core in PVC espanso, è stato eseguito uno studio numerico e sperimentale al fine di individuare la configurazione ottimale di una giunzione incollata a doppia sovrapposizione avente quali aderendi esterni le stesse skins del sandwich e aderendo interno costituito da un inserto in metallo o in composito. In dettaglio, previa preliminare ottimizzazione teorica della…
Human Factor Interrelationships to Improve Worker Reliability: Implementation of MCDM in the Agri-Food Sector
Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs) are contextual, individual, and cognitive factors used in Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) to quantify the worker contribution to errors when performing a generic task. Although the empirical evidence demonstrates the existence of PSF interrelationships, the majority of HRA methods assume their independence. As a consequence, the resulting Human Error Probability (HEP) might be over- or underestimated. To deal with this issue, only a few qualitative guidelines or statistical-based approaches have been proposed so far. While the former are not well structured, the latter require a high computational effort and a proper number of input data. Therefore, the p…
Industry 4.0: Advanced digital solutions implemented on a close power loop test bench
Abstract The paradigm of Industry 4.0 allows to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the production. Companies that will implement advanced solutions in production systems will increase their level of competitiveness and will be able reach high market shares. The present paper is focused on the development of advanced digital solutions to be implemented on a close power loop test bench designed to test high power transmissions for naval unit. In particular, the test configuration consists of a back-to-back connection between two identical mechanical reducers. Since the efficiency of these systems are very high, it is not necessary to use large electric motors, thus managing to conta…
Sustainable vehicle routing based on firefly algorithm and TOPSIS methodology
Abstract In a sustainable management of logistics, transportation plays a crucial role. Traditionally, the main purpose was to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem minimizing the cost associated with the travelled distances. Nowadays, the economic profit cannot be the only driver for achieving sustainability and environmental issues have to be also considered. In this paper, to satisfy the intricate limits involved in real vehicle routing problem, the study has been structured considering different types of vehicles in terms of maximum capacity, velocity and emissions, asymmetric paths, vehicle-client constraints and delivery time windows. The firefly algorithm has been implemented to solve th…
Industry 4.0: smart test bench for shipbuilding industry
AbstractIndustry 4.0 promises to increase the efficiency of production plants and the quality of the final product. Consequently, companies that implement advanced solutions in production systems will have a competitive advantage in the future. The principles of Industry 4.0 can also be applied to shipyards to transform them into “smart shipyards” (Shipyard 4.0). The aim of this research is to implement an interactive approach by Internet of Things on a closed power-loop test bench equipped with sophisticated sensors that is specifically designed to test high-power thrusters before they are installed on high-speed crafts, which are used in passenger transport. The preliminary results of the…
Fuzzy green vehicle routing problem for designing a three echelons supply chain
Abstract In this study, a three-echelon fuzzy green vehicle routing problem (3E-FGVRP) is considered for designing a regional agri-food supply chain on a time horizon. To account for the variability associated with the quantities requested by customers, it is assumed that the demands are fuzzy numbers simulated by a time-dependent algorithm. Moreover, the vehicle fleet and distribution centres are considered with a defined capacity. The credibility theory of fuzzy sets is used to implement a multi-objective fuzzy chance-constrained programming model, where the total costs and carbon emissions are minimised. The resolution of the 3E-FGVRP is conducted by using a non-dominated sorting genetic…
Fatigue crack growth of new FML composites for light ship buildings under predominant mode II loading condition
The use of light but strong materials is largely studied in various area of the shipbuilding, this because the need of reducing the weight, and especially the weight of all the structures above the main deck assume primary importance for the stability. Traditionally in fast boats like fast ferries, hydrofoils, patrol boats, the typical materials are Aluminum alloy or composites, both those materials have advantages and disadvantages, but the new development of technologies made possible to combine them, in order to have a new material, combining the advantages of both, in terms of fatigue resistance, firefighting characteristics. In this paper, predominant mode II fatigue delamination tests…
Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm for multimode job shop scheduling problem
The sustainability of olive orchard planting management for different harvesting techniques: An integrated methodology
Abstract The globalization of the olive oil market has caused greater competitiveness in terms of olive oil quality and production costs and the main countries interested in olive growing, have introduced efficient planting design and horticultural techniques in order to meet these requirements. In this paper the sustainability of olive orchard planting management for different olive fruit-harvesting methods has been assessed on the basis of the data gathered by the Geographic Information System and processed using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Analysis. In particular, three different agronomic scenarios have been analyzed and a specific cultivar has been considered in order to ensure th…
Firefly algorithm based upon slicing structure encoding for unequal facility layout problem
Finding the locations of departments or machines in a workspace is classified as a Facility Layout Problem. Good placement of departments has a relevant influence on manufacturing costs, work in process, lead times and production efficiency. This paper analyses the problem of allocating departments with restrictions in terms of unequal area and rectangular shape within a facility, in order to minimize the sum of material handling costs taking into account the satisfaction of the aspect ratio requested. In particular, we propose for the first time a Firefly Algorithm based on the slicing structure encoding. The proposed method was tested comparing the results obtained from other authors on t…
Measures of performance for the portfolio management
Economic assessment based on scenario analysis for the production of a new functional pasta
Abstract Nowadays functional foods are becoming more popular due to their capacity to prevent and/or reduce the risk of certain diseases. Functional foods improve health and give physiological benefits providing nutrients beyond the simple nutritional value. The market for functional foods is growing rapidly and the consumers are willing to pay a premium price for these products. In this context, the production of pasta comprising Opuntia may represent an opportunity to combine the widespread consumption of pasta in the traditional Mediterranean Diet and the beneficial characteristics of the Opuntia, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial and neuroprotective p…
Design of an Electromagnetic Regenerative Damper and Energy Harvesting Assessment
Design of an electromagnetic regenerative shock absorber is proposed in this paper. In order to increase the efficiency of land vehicles the sources of energy losses have to be eliminated, or reduced. For this reason, several systems, recovering kinetic energy and converting it into electrical power, were studied and designed in the last years. This energy, converted into heat in traditional systems, is recovered to increase the autonomy of the vehicle. The proposed device is constituted by a stator part which coils are placed in an innovative disposition. The moving part is constituted by a rod made in stainless steel with alternated permanent magnets and spacers, so that the relative moti…
A model for predicting the mixed-mode fatigue crack growth in a bonded joint
Bonded joints are highly sensitive to the presence of defects and to the degradation phenomena, and this aspect represents the primary obstacle to their use in different structural engineering applications. Delamination in a bonded joint represents, in fact, one of the primary, most common and insidious causes of damage. In this paper, a numerical–experimental study on the crack propagation along the adhesive layer of a bonded joint specimen is carried out. Experimental study is focused on the evaluation of the damage modalities of a bonded joint when the specimens are subject to fatigue load. Experimental tests are compared with the results of several numerical analysis performed in ANSYS …
Selection of a Sustainable Functional Pasta Enriched with Opuntia Using ELECTRE III Methodology
In the last decade, the nutritional and health benefits of Opuntia (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) were discussed by academic scientists and private companies. In particular, the introduction of this substance in frequently consumed foods, like, for example, pasta and bakery products, could have a wide diffusion due to its rich composition in polyphenols, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and amino acids. The identified natural cactus compounds are responsible for biologically relevant activities including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial, and neuro-protective properties. The aim of this paper is the evaluation of the best combination of Opuntia quantity an…