César Ducruet
Géo-visualisation des flux maritimes mondiaux
Géovisualisation des flux maritimes mondiaux,
Conférence francophone Esri, Versailles, FRANCE, 05-/10/2016 - 06/10/2016; La planche présente trois possibilités de géo-visualisation des flux et mouvements de marchandises à l'échelle mondiale, en raison des problèmes spécifiques qui s'y posent.
Incheon, vitrine de la Corée du Sud et masque de Séoul
National audience; The present South Korean government's ambition is to give the port of Incheon the new aspect of a global city thanks to a gigantic free trade zone. The constraints met at different scales lead to wonder about the possibility for Incheon to gain a real international influence. Despite the extent of current improvements which also aim at reducing the size of Seoul, Incheon cannot claim to go beyond its role as a gateway to the capital city whose global functions are deeply rooted in the Korean urban system; Le gouvernement sud-coréen actuel a pour ambition de donner à la ville portuaire d'Incheon un nouveau visage, celui d'une ville globale, grâce à une gigantesque zone fra…
Geovisualizing the sail-to-steam transition through vessel movement data
International audience; Technological transitions in the maritime and port industries go along with increased transport and economic efficiency, resulting in faster movements and longer travelled distances. Yet, such transformations may also enhance disparities between winners and loosers, should they be ports or shipping companies. This research focuses on the particular case of the transition from sail to steam over the period 1890-1925, which witnesses the rapid replacement of sailing vessels, the latter concentrating 65% of the world fleet in 1890 but only 3.5% in 1925. It applies a variety of measures to compare how these two layers overlap in the network (at links and ports) and what …
Géovisualiser un mouvement dans l'espace géographique. L'exemple des flux maritimes
National audience