Jerzy ŁUczka
Phase transformation kinetics in d-dimensional grains-containing systems: diffusion-type model
Abstract An analytical approach to the phase transformation in d-dimensional grains-containing complex systems is offered. It is based on considering the mechanism of surface material exchange among neighbouring grains as the so-called state-dependent diffusion process, where the diffusion function is related to the magnitude of the grain boundary. The approach proposed deals with the kinetics of that ensemble under circumstances of a volume increase of the new phase or microstructure. Probabilistic characteristics of the process are derived and analyzed. A comparison with 2D modelling of similar kind is presented for the 3D case, and some possible practical realizations of the situation un…
Kinetics of growth process controlled by convective fluctuations
A model of the spherical (compact) growth process controlled by a fluctuating local convective velocity field of the fluid particles is introduced. It is assumed that the particle velocity fluctuations are purely noisy, Gaussian, of zero mean, and of various correlations: Dirac delta, exponential, and algebraic (power law). It is shown that for a large class of the velocity fluctuations, the long-time asymptotics of the growth kinetics is universal (i.e., it does not depend on the details of the statistics of fluctuations) and displays the power-law time dependence with the classical exponent $1/2$ resembling the diffusion limited growth. For very slow decay of algebraic correlations of flu…
A spherical growth process controlled by velocity fluctuations of particles of a saturated solution is investigated. Velocity fluctuations are modeled by a Gaussian random field. The interface evolution is determined by a Langevin-type equation with a multiplicative random field, which in the case of the quasi-homogeneous random Gaussian field is equivalent to Fokker–Planck dynamics. We analyze numerically the Fokker–Planck equation and compare growth kinetics in the case of noisy (i.e. space-independent) fluctuations. It is shown that for a large class of spatially correlated velocity fluctuations, the growth kinetics is universal, i.e. it does not depend on the details of statistics of f…