Multiple Matched Spatial Filter Performed With Nonsymmetrical Fourier Transformers
MULTIPLE MATCHED SPATIAL FILTER PERFORMED WITH NONSYMMETRICAL FOURIER TRANSFORMERSCARLOS FERREIRA and CARMEN VAZQUEZDepartamento de Optica. Universitat de Valencia.C/ Dr. Moliner, 50. 46100 Burjassot, Spain.1. INTRODUCTIONClassical matched spatial filters (CMSF) have been successfully employed for optical pattern recog-nition. To detect different signals, multiple matched spatial filters can be synthesized and several me-thods to perform the filters have been developed. Based on the sensitivity to input orientation of CMSF,we proposed a filter [1] where the signals to be detected were rotated by different angles when recordingthe hologram. Thus, the recognition of a signal is only achieved …