M.angeles Ull

Evaluar para transformar: evaluación de la docencia universitaria bajo el prisma de la sostenibilidad

El objetivo principal de este estudio se dirige a diagnosticar el nivel de introducción de la sostenibilidad en las actividades docentes y facilitar la autoevaluación profesional del profesorado universitario desde criterios de sostenibilidad.El estudio está basado en la investigación evaluativa como metodología asociada al paradigma sociocrítico; se analizan los resultados de la aplicación de un cuestionario autodiagnóstico validado, dirigido al profesorado de las áreas científico-técnicas de la Universitat de València. En el proceso sistemático de recogida y análisis de la información se han aplicado criterios para garantizar la calidad del juicio emitido.Los resultados ofrecen un diagnós…

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Putative high mobility group non-histone chromosomal proteins from pea (Pisum sativum)

Abstract Three putative HMG proteins, 1P, 2P and 3P have been isolated from pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Lincoln) nuclei by extraction with either 5% perchloric acid or 0.35 M NaCl and purified by preparative electrophoresis. The amino acid analysis showed many of the typical features of the HMG proteins, although 1P and 2P possess a somewhat reduced content of acidic amino acids and 3P has less than 20% basic amino acids. Peptide mapping with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease suggested that none of the proteins are proteolytic products of histone H1.

research product

La evaluación de la formación de formadores. Un catalizador en el proceso de cambio curricular hacia la sostenibilidad

espanolEl objetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar la inclusion de contenidos y actividades relacionadas con la sostenibilidad en la formacion de formadores. La justificacion de esta investigacion descansa en dos supuestos basicos: a) interdisciplinar: Nuestro grupo de investigacion esta formado por investigadores procedentes de areas academicas diferentes que aportan enfoques y culturas academicas diversas que facilita el desarrollo de los dialogos interdisciplinares desde la logica de los planteamientos disciplinares. b) de interaccion “universidad/sociedad”, “mundo academico/mundo laboral”. La institucion universitaria tiene que dar respuesta al reto que tiene planteado la sociedad …

research product

The nucleosomal repeat length of pea (Pisum sativum) chromatin changes during germination

Pea (Pisum sativum) nuclei have been isolated from ungerminated embryos, developing embryonic axes and seedlings. Morphological and biochemical criteria revealed that preparations were free from contaminants and that nuclei were intact. These circumstances permitted an accurate determination of nucleosomal repeat lengths, the values obtained being 175±4 base pairs for ungerminated embryos, 185±5 base pairs for 62-hours germinated embryonic axes and 185±3 base pairs for 6-day old seedlings. The results seem to indicate that the increase in repeat length is associated with the onset of transcription and/or replication of DNA.

research product

Introducing sustainability into university curricula: an indicator and baseline survey of the views of university teachers at the University of Valencia

Many higher education institutions have assumed the role of diffusing knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours that favour sustainability. A key objective in such work is training university teachers to apply sustainability criteria to their respective disciplines. While university teachers' active participation is essential to achieving this goal, their ideas about and predispositions towards introducing sustainability into curricula are not always understood or appreciated. In this paper, we report on a questionnaire survey at the University of Valencia, Spain, on the current baseline situation for introducing sustainability across the university's curricula. We also report on a measur…

research product

Perceptions and Attitudes of Students of Teacher-training towards Environment and Sustainability

Abstract This paper report on a questionnaire survey at three Universities of the Comunidad Valenciana,Spain, on the current baseline situation in order to introduce sustainability across university's curricula. The objective data enabled us to know the situation of students in relation to introduce sustainability in both Early Childhood Education Teacher Degree and Primary Education Teacher Degree. A total of 922 students answered the survey. A majority of respondents were not aware of the impact of their daily activities on the environment. With regard to the introduction of sustainability in teaching, the majority of students said that it is an appropriate measure.

research product

Education for sustainable development in early chilhood education in Spain : evolution, trends and proposals

This article analyses how the sustainability culture has evolved in the early childhood education setting within the Spanish education system with official documents and the sustainability training received by teachers who intervene in this stage of education since these teachers' degrees have been adapted to the European Higher Education Area.Early childhood education in Spain is an individual stage to educate children aged up to six years (two main cycles: 0–3 and 3–6 years). It is important to verify if this stage of education includes curricular content that is designed to develop attitudes, behaviours and lifestyles that are in keeping with sustainability values.We conclude that it is …

research product

Preconcepciones y actitudes del profesorado de Magisterio ante la incorporación en su docencia de competencias para la sostenibilidad

Este artículo forma parte de la investigación financiada por el MICINN: Proyecto SEJ 2007-67063/EDUC: »Ambientalización curricular: diseño y análisis de intervenciones de Diálogo Disciplinar para el desarrollo de competencias sostenibilizadoras básicas en la educación universitaria (Titulaciones de Educación Infantil y Primaria)». Investigadora principal: Pilar Aznar Minguet. Se ha realizado un estudio empírico con una muestra de profesores de Magisterio de la Universidad de Valencia para analizar sus preconcepciones y actitudes respecto a la incorporación de la sostenibilidad en la docencia de sus asignaturas. La metodología utilizada conforma una estructura descriptivo-exploratoria y eval…

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