Microwave nanobolometer based on proximity Josephson junctions
We introduce a microwave bolometer aimed at high-quantum-efficiency detection of wave packet energy within the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics, the ultimate goal being single microwave photon detection. We measure the differential thermal conductance between the detector and its heat bath, obtaining values as low as $5\phantom{\rule{4.pt}{0ex}}\text{fW}/\mathrm{K}$ at $50\phantom{\rule{4.pt}{0ex}}\text{mK}$. This is one tenth of the thermal conductance quantum and corresponds to a theoretical lower bound on noise-equivalent power of order ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}20}\phantom{\rule{4.pt}{0ex}}\text{W}/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$ at $50\phantom{\rule{4.pt}{0ex}}\text{mK}$. By measuring the dif…