Naoto Miyamoto

Comparison of Exclusive Double Poling to Classic Techniques of Cross-country Skiing

Introduction: This study aimed to 1) determine basic physiological demands during a simulated on-snow cross-country skiing (XCS) race when using grip-waxed skis (all classic XCS techniques [CLASSIC]), versus glide-waxed skis for exclusive double poling (DP) and 2) analyze in which track sections DP is different from CLASSIC under controlled gliding conditions in elite junior and senior skiers. Methods: Nineteen male and female elite XC skiers performed 1) two randomized simulated XCS races over 5.3 km using DP or CLASSIC measuring section times, V˙ O2, HR, blood lactate, and RPE; and 2) V˙ O2peak tests using diagonal stride and DP on treadmill. Results: The total group showed no differences…

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Technique detection of cross-country ski classical race using kinematic GNSS

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Race course profiling of the cross country ski using kinematic GNSS

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Measurement of Head Motion during Double-Poling Technique in Cross-Country Ski Classical Race using Kinematic GNSS

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Sensors / Cross-country skiing analysis and ski technique detection by high-precision kinematic global navigation satellite system

Cross-country skiing (XCS) embraces a broad variety of techniques applied like a gear system according to external conditions, slope topography, and skier-related factors. The continuous detection of applied skiing techniques and cycle characteristics by application of unobtrusive sensor technology can provide useful information to enhance the quality of training and competition. (1) Background: We evaluated the possibility of using a high-precision kinematic global navigation satellite system (GNSS) to detect cross-country skiing classical style technique. (2) Methods: A world-class male XC skier was analyzed during a classical style 5.3-km time trial recorded with a high-precision kinemat…

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