Jaroslava Frouzová
Distribution of Herbivorous Fish Is Frozen by Low Temperature.
AbstractThe number of herbivores in populations of ectothermic vertebrates decreases with increasing latitude. At higher latitudes, fish consuming plant matter are exclusively omnivorous. We assess whether omnivorous fish readily shift to herbivory or whether animal prey is typically preferred. We address temperature as the key factor causing their absence at higher latitudes and discuss the potential poleward dispersion caused by climate changes. A controlled experiment illustrates that rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) readily utilize plant matter at water temperatures above 20 °C and avoid its consumption below 20 °C. Field data support these results, showing that plant matter dominates…
Macrophytes shape trophic niche variation among generalist fishes.
Generalist species commonly have a fundamental role in ecosystems as they can integrate spatially distinct habitats and food-web compartments, as well as control the composition, abundance and behavior of organisms at different trophic levels. Generalist populations typically consist of specialized individuals, but the potential for and hence degree of individual niche variation can be largely determined by habitat complexity. We compared individual niche variation within three generalist fishes between two comparable lakes in the Czech Republic differing in macrophyte cover, i.e. macrophyte-rich Milada and macrophyte-poor Most. We tested the hypothesis that large individual niche variation…
Some like it deep : Intraspecific niche segregation in ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua)
Generalist fishes commonly show intraspecific niche segregation along the littoral–pelagic resource axis in lakes. Recent studies have shown that the deep, cold and seemingly unproductive profundal zone can also offer underutilised resources and facilitate specialised individuals, and can contribute to lake food webs via methane-derived carbon pathways. Despite numerous examples from salmonid fish species, such intraspecific niche segregation along a littoral–profundal resource axis has not been reported in percids or other predominantly littoral benthivorous fishes. Here, we describe a case of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua: Percidae) populations consisting of shallow- and deep-water dwelling…