Christopher Jepsen
Back to School : Labor-Market Returns to Higher Vocational Schooling
This paper examines the labor-market returns to a new form of postsecondary vocational education: vocational master's degrees. We use individual fixed effects models on a matched sample of students and non-students from Finland to capture any time-invariant differences across individuals. We find that attendance in vocational master's programs leads to an earnings increase of more than seven percent five years after entry. The estimated effect remains positive even if selection on unobservables is twice as strong as selection on observables. Earnings gains are similar by gender and age, but they are marginally higher for those in the health sector than for those in the business or technolog…
School Tracking and Mental Health
To understand how the type of education affects long-term mental health, we examine the effects of a comprehensive school reform on mental health–related hospitalizations and deaths. The reform postponed the tracking of students into vocational and academic schools from age 11 to age 16, thus affecting the set of peers and the curriculum to which these students were exposed. The reform was implemented gradually across Finnish municipalities between 1972 and 1977. We use difference-in-differences variation and administrative data. Our overall results show no discernible effects on mental health–related hospitalizations or deaths, but heterogeneity analysis shows an adverse effect on hospital…
Labor-Market Returns to Higher Vocational Schooling
This paper examines the labor-market returns to a new form of postsecondary vocational education, vocational master's degrees. We use individual fixed effects models on the matched sample of students and non-students from Finland to capture any time-invariant differences across individuals. Attendance in vocational master's programs leads to higher earnings of eight percent five years after entry even if selection on unobservables is twice as strong as selection on observables. Earnings gains are similar by gender and age, but they are marginally higher for health than for business or technology and trades. nonPeerReviewed
School Tracking and Mental Health
We examine the effects of a comprehensive school reform on mental health. The reform postponed the tracking of students into vocational and academic schools from age 11 to age 16. The reform was implemented gradually across Finnish municipalities between 1972 and 1977. We use difference-in-differences variation and administrative data. Our results show that there is no discernible effect on mental health related hospitalizations on average even though the effect is precisely estimated. Heterogeneity analysis shows that, after the reform, females from highly-educated families were more likely to be hospitalized for depression. nonPeerReviewed
More skilled, better paid : labour-market returns to postsecondary vocational education
Outside the USA, relatively little is known about the labour-market returns to postsecondary vocational (or polytechnic) education. Yet, polytechnics in Europe are distinct from US community colleges. This paper focuses on the labour-market returns to polytechnic attendance in Finland, where polytechnics are representative of many European countries. Using matching methods and longitudinal administrative data, we find that, compared to individuals with no postsecondary education, students who attend polytechnics have higher annual earnings of €3,300 to €3,700 and employment gains of 2.5 to 6.6 percentage points 10 years after the entry decision. However, the returns vary by personal charact…