Delphine Galland
Pythium prolatumisolated from soil in the Burgundy region: a new record for Europe
Pythium prolatum Hendrix and Campbell has been isolated from a soil sample taken in the Burgundy region in France. The fungus is easily recognisable by its heavily ornamented oogonia with conical to mammiform spines, elongated sporangia, and its diclinous antheridia forming or originating from a tangled mass of hyphae. Descriptions of the morphological and reproductive aspects of Pythium prolatum, the polymerase chain reaction of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) of the ribosomal nuclear DNA as well as the nucleotide sequences of ITS1 coding for 5.8 S rRNA are given.
Pythium perplexum isolated from soil in France: morphology, molecular characterisation and biological control.
Pythium perplexum (F-926) was isolated from a soil sample taken in the Burgundy region in France. In 1907, it was mistakenly described by Bulter as P. vexans. Despite morphological resemblance, the comparison between the internal transcribed spacer 1 regions of the ribosomal DNA of the two fungi leaves no doubt of their different identities. P. perplexum was found to be highly pathogenic to cucumber seedlings. Damping-off disease of cucumber caused by P. perplexum can effectively be controlled by using the soil bacterium Serratia plymuthica (B-781). The details of the morphology and the molecular characterisation of P. perplexum and its biological control with S. plymuthica are described he…
A new species of Pythium isolated from the Burgundy region in France.
Pythium nodosum sp. nov. has been isolated from a soil sample taken in the Burgundy region in France. The fungus has spherical to variously shaped proliferating sporangia, smooth-walled oogonia which are crowded with different antheridial branches making a complicated knot around the former, and aplerotic oospores. Morphological and reproductive aspects of Pythium nodosum as well as the PCR of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) of the ribosomal nuclear DNA coupled with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis are described here. The nucleotide sequences of ITS1 encoding 5.8S rRNA is also given.
Absence of malolactic activity is a characteristic of H+-ATPase-deficient mutants of the lactic acid bacterium Oenococcus oeni.
ABSTRACT The lack of malolactic activity in H + -ATPase-deficient mutants of Oenococcus oeni selected previously was analyzed at the molecular level. Western blot experiments revealed a spot at 60 kDa corresponding to the malolactic enzyme only in the parental strain. Moreover, the mleA transcript encoding the malolactic enzyme was not detected by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis of mutants. These results suggest that the malolactic operon was not transcribed in ATPase-deficient mutants. The mleR gene encoding a LysR-type regulatory protein which should be involved in expression of the malolactic genes was described previously for O. oeni . Results obtained in this study show that th…