Joan B. Peris
Distribution of Fitness Effects Caused by Single-Nucleotide Substitutions in Bacteriophage f1
Empirical knowledge of the fitness effects of mutations is important for understanding many evolutionary processes, yet this knowledge is often hampered by several sources of measurement error and bias. Most of these problems can be solved using site-directed mutagenesis to engineer single mutations, an approach particularly suited for viruses due to their small genomes. Here, we used this technique to measure the fitness effect of 100 single-nucleotide substitutions in the bacteriophage f1, a filamentous single-strand DNA virus. We found that approximately one-fifth of all mutations are lethal. Viable ones reduced fitness by 11% on average and were accurately described by a log-normal dist…
Immune activation promotes evolutionary conservation of T-cell epitopes in HIV-1.
The immune system should constitute a strong selective pressure promoting viral genetic diversity and evolution. However, HIV shows lower sequence variability at T-cell epitopes than elsewhere in the genome, in contrast with other human RNA viruses. Here, we propose that epitope conservation is a consequence of the particular interactions established between HIV and the immune system. On one hand, epitope recognition triggers an anti-HIV response mediated by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs), but on the other hand, activation of CD4(+) helper T lymphocytes (TH cells) promotes HIV replication. Mathematical modeling of these opposite selective forces revealed that selection at the intrapatient l…
Highly heterogeneous mutation rates in the hepatitis C virus genome.
Spontaneous mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation and have a prominent role in evolution. RNA viruses such as hepatitis C virus (HCV) have extremely high mutation rates, but these rates have been inferred from a minute fraction of genome sites, limiting our view of how RNA viruses create diversity. Here, by applying high-fidelity ultradeep sequencing to a modified replicon system, we scored >15,000 spontaneous mutations, encompassing more than 90% of the HCV genome. This revealed >1,000-fold differences in mutability across genome sites, with extreme variations even between adjacent nucleotides. We identify base composition, the presence of high- and low-mutation clusters a…
Seguint la pista del VIH: els estudis evolutius i la comprensió de la sida.
El VIH o virus de la immunodefi ciencia humana te un gran impacte sanitari, social i economic; les terapies actuals permeten controlar la infeccio pero no s’ha trobat tractament guaridor ni vacuna efectiva. Per a aconseguir aquests objectius, ha de tenir-se en compte la gran variabilitat genetica i la rapida evolucio del VIH, associades, per exemple, a l’aparicio de variants de resistencia a farmacs o de canvis antigenics.