Effect of traditional, microwave and industrial cooking on inositol phosphate content in beans, chickpeas and lentils
An high-performance liquid chromatography method for determining inositol phosphate fractions was adapted to legumes. The validity of the method was assessed by estimating the following analytical parameters: linearity (linear response between 125 and 5000 microg inositol hexaphosphate (IP(6))/ml); instrumental precision and method precision (relative standard deviation, %) were 1.9% (IP(6)) for instrumental, and 2.5% (IP(6)) and 8.2% (IP(5)) for method precision. An accuracy was estimated by percentage recovery (72 +/- 3%). The application of this method to raw, conventional, microwave-cooked and ready-to-eat beans, chickpeas and lentils gave IP(6) contents ranging from 0.63 g/100 g dry ma…