Luiz Eduardo Machado
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional sonography of conjoined twins.
Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the diagnostic capabilities of 2-dimensional (2D) and 3-dimensional (3D) sonography for the study of conjoined twins. Methods Four pregnant women with an initial 2D sonographic diagnosis of conjoined twins were examined with color Doppler sonography, 3D multiplanar sonography, and orthogonal plane imaging and 3D surface rendering. Results All 4 cases of conjoined twins were initially diagnosed with either transvaginal or transabdominal 2D sonography. 3D sonography afforded more realistic views and demonstrated more clearly the linking areas and surface anomalies, but 2D and color Doppler sonography provided more definitive and specif…
Three-dimensional sonographic diagnosis of a large cystic neck lymphangioma.
Lymphangiomas are fairly well-circumscribed benign masses of lymphatic vessels or channels that vary in size, are usually greatly dilated, and are lined with normal endothelial cells. They may be classified into 3 groups: lymphangioma simplex, consisting of capillary-sized channels; cavernous lymphangiomas, consisting of dilated channels with a fibrous adventitial covering; and cystic lymphangiomas, or hygromas, composed of multiple cysts of varying sizes that are lined with endothelial cells. Mixed types may coexist within a given lesion. Although lymphangiomas can occur in any part of the body where lymphatic ducts are located, 95% of them are found in the neck, the head, or the axilla. 1…
Multiple congenital contractures (Congenital multiple arthrogryposis)
Arthrogryposis, is the occurrence of joint contractures of variable etiology that start prenatally. Arthrogryposis may result from neurologic deficit, neuromuscular disorders, connective tissue abnormalities, amniotic bands, [figure: see text] or fetal crowding. Arthrogryposis may result from no apparent hereditary causes (neuropathic, for example) or may be the result of hereditary factors (myopathic form, for example). Ultrasound diagnosis depends on observation of scant or absent motion of fetal extremities. Prognosis depends on the specific etiology of the contractures.
Ecografía tridimensional en uroginecología
Resumen La ecografia 3D permite observar, en tres planos y sistema volumetrico, el suelo pelvico, la uretra, el rabdoesfinter y el cuello vesical. Los estudios existentes muestran una excelente correlacion entre los hallazgos 3D de esta nueva tecnologia y los estudios de presiones. La ecografia 3D se convertira, con toda probabilidad, en una nueva y excelente ayuda para el estudio de la disfuncion pelvica y la incontinencia urinaria.
Fetus acardius: two- and three-dimensional ultrasonographic diagnoses.
Objective. To determine whether ultrasonographic detection of acardiac fetuses and diagnostic accuracy of related malformations improve with complementary use of two-dimensional ultrasonography, three-dimensional ultrasonography, and Doppler scanning. Methods. Three pregnant women with multifetal gestations who were found to have discordant fetuses on initial two-dimensional ultrasonographic scanning were subsequently scanned with three-dimensional ultrasonography and color Doppler ultrasonography. Results. Although the possibility of acardiac fetuses was entertained in all cases after two-dimensional ultrasonographic scanning, the diagnosis was confirmed, and the accuracy and extent of fet…
Abdominal wall defects: two- versus three-dimensional ultrasonographic diagnosis.
We diagnosed 12 cases of abdominal wall defects. The cases diagnosed occurred in 6 fetuses with omphalocele, 3 with gastroschisis, 2 with prune-belly syndrome, and 1 with pentalogy of Cantrell. Except for 1 case of gastroschisis first diagnosed on the basis of three-dimensional ultrasonography at 14 weeks' gestation, all cases were first detected by two-dimensional transabdominal ultrasonography and then reevaluated with three-dimensional ultrasonography using multiplanar and orthogonal plane modes. Although the original diagnosis was accurate on the basis of two-dimensional ultrasonography in 11 of 12 cases, additional information was obtained by three-dimensional scanning in all cases. Ou…