Terhi Aaltonen

"Taiteilija ei vanhene" : haastattelututkimus kuvataiteilijoiden ikääntymiskokemuksista taidemaailmassa

research product

Äitien lapsuuden fyysiset väkivaltakokemukset ja oman lapsen pahoinpitely lastensuojelun asiakasperheissä

research product

Mothers' abusive childhood predicts child abuse

To examine the intergenerational transmission of abuse, the study compared 25 mothers whose child had been under the supervision of the child protection services (CPS) with 25 mothers who had had no contact with the CPS. The groups were compared with respect to their own self-reported childhood abuse, their abuse of their own child and punitiveness. The data were gathered using interviews and files. There were no significant differences between the groups in self-reported childhood physical abuse, but the CPS mothers had experienced more childhood psychological abuse, especially rejection, accusations, terrorizing and corrupting. The groups did not differ in the self-reported physical or ps…

research product

Child Abuse Potential

Twenty-five mothers whose children had been under the supervision of the Child Protection Services (CPS group) primarily for neglect and 25 comparison mothers were compared with respect to their child abuse potential as assessed by Milner's Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI). We examined whether the CPS mothers' child abuse potential would still be elevated 7 years after the reported maltreatment of their child. Second, an attempt was made to predict the CAPI scores with the mothers' childhood abuse experiences, adulthood social problems, and socioeconomic status. The CPS mothers scored significantly higher than the comparison mothers on most of the CAPI scales, indicating their persis…

research product