Loredana Antonella Randazzo

The behaviour of trace elements during the volcanic ash-liquid interaction. Example of marine and human systems.

I processi d’interazione solido-liquido sono alla base dei meccanismi che governano la disponibilità degli elementi in tracce in fase liquida. In questo lavoro tali processi sono stati studiati attraverso l’utilizzo degli elementi delle Terre Rare (REE) che come serie di elementi, per le loro peculiari caratteristiche sono degli ottimi traccianti di processi geochimici. Lo scopo della prima parte di questo lavoro è stato quello di studiare la reattività di un particolato vulcanico durante l’interazione con un’acqua marina sintetica. Tale indagine è stata effettuata attraverso esperimenti di tipo batch, per un periodo massimo di 6 mesi. Ulteriori indagini sono state effettuate aggiungendo Na…

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Solid-liquid interactions in human lung system enhanced by yttrium and REE distribution in Broncho-alveolar lavages.

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How trace element distributions can be used to probe human exposure to atmospheric fallout

Medical literature recognised several effects of human exposure to inhalation of air dispersed particles that could induce pulmonary diseases, but the hypothesis that reactions occurring between inhaled particles and human respiratory fluids could involve trace element leaching was poorly understood and only a scarce literature about in-vitro experiments suggested it. The present research was carried out on a group of volunteer patients exposed to the natural inhalation of atmospheric particles in a highly anthropized area close to Mt. Etna under explosive volcanic eruption in Summer 2001. Collected data shoed, for the first time, that the dissolution of inhaled solids influenced the chemis…

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From July 13 2001 began the most intense Etna's eruptive activity in the last 300 years. While this phenomenon occurred the oceanographic cruise ANSIC 01 was carrying out. Therefore the unique opportunity is arisen to investigate the chemical effects on marine system of delivery of large amount of pyroclastic particles (about 1 g m-2) into seawater. Comparing collected trace element data with those analysed during the oceanographic cruise JUVENILE 99, carried out two years before, large enrichments in V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu and Pb contents have been recognised and attributed to leaching of freshly-erupted volcanic ash. Further comparison between to-day and previous collected trace element da…

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Protein diffusion, stability and activity in crowded media

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Trace elements release from volcanic ashes to seawater. Natural concentrations in Central Mediterranean sea.

Distributions and concentrations of many minor and trace elements in epicontinental basins, as Mediterranean Sea, are mainly driven to atmospheric fallout from surroundings. This mechanism supplies an estimated yearly flux of about 1000 kg km-2 of terrigenous matter of different nature on the whole Mediterranean basin. Dissolution of these materials and processes occurring at solid-liquid interface along the water column drive the distributions of many trace elements as V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, and Pb with contents ranging from pmol l-1 (Co, Cd, Pb) to nmol l-1 scale in Mediterranean seawater, with some local differences in the basin. The unwinding of an oceanographic cruise in the coastal waters…

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