Laura Infurnari
Considerazioni su un caso di schizosomiasi urinaria
Considerazioni su un caso di schistosomiasi vescicale
Typhoid fever as a cause of opportunistic infection: case report.
Abstract Background Typhoid fever is a systemic infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype typhi, which is acquired by ingestion of contaminated food and water. Each year the disease affects at least 16 million persons world-wide, most of whom reside in the developing countries of Southeast Asia and Africa. In Italy the disease is uncommon with a greater number of cases in Southern regions than in Northern ones. Case presentation We report on a 57-year-old Sri-Lankan male affected by typhoid fever, the onset of which was accompanied by oropharyngeal candidiasis. This clinical sign was due to a transient cell-mediated immunity depression (CD4+ cell cou…
Caratteristiche cliniche e di laboratorio di 415 bambini siciliani con febbre bottonosa del Mediterraneo (FBM).
Screening sierologico per Leishmania infantum su donatori di sangue e HIV+ asintomatici residenti in area endemica [Serological screening for Leishmania infantum in asymptomatic blood donors and HIV+ patients living in an endemic area]
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in Sicily (48 new cases in 2004, of which nine were in Agrigento). In southern Europe between 25-70 per cent of adult VL cases are related to HIV infection. The HIV cases have a high risk (1.5-9%) of developing VL either as a new infection or as the revival of a latent infection. We therefore carried out serologic screening to detect antibodies against L. infantum by IFAT in 1449 blood donors in Agrigento and the surrounding area (May-December 2005) and in 120 HIV+ in western Sicily, all of whom were asymptomatic and had no history of VL. L. DNA was assessed by nested PCR in blood samples of some seropositive donors. Of the 1449 blood donors, 11 (0.75%…
Screening sierologico per l'infantum in soggetti HIV+ in area endemica Sicilia occidentale
Considerazioni su un caso di actinomicosi cervicale
Actinomycosis is a bacterial infection due to Gram positive bacteria of Actinomyces genus. Actinomyces israelii is the most common in human infection.The authors described a case occurred in a 43 aged woman with a clinical presentation of a right submandibular indurative mass.After surgery, histological examination showed a granulomatous tissue with many actinomycetes. Patient was submitted to treatment with i.v penicillin. On the 11th day antibiotic therapy was replaced with ceftriaxone and teicoplanina. Patient did not present intercurrence during this period and presented improvement of the lesion.Actinomycosis is an uncommon disease. Establishment of the definite diagnosis requires a hi…
Infezione actinomicotica: considerazioni su due casi clinici
Considerazioni su un caso di schistosomiasi urinaria.
Urinary tract schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by S. haematobium with a wide range of clinical manifestations related to the mucosal and submucosal granulomatous lesions of the bladder. It affects about 80 million people in Africa, Middle-East and India, while in Italy it is rarely seen among immigrants from endemic areas and returning travellers. The authors describe a case occurred in a 26 year old man, recently emigrated from a rural area of Ghana. He had the symptoms of a haemorrhagic cystitis. Cystoscopy and biopsy showed granulomatous lesions of bladder with calcified eggs. Microscopic examination of urine was positive for Schistosoma haematobium eggs. The therapy with Pr…
Human toxocariasis: a report of nine cases
Aim: Human toxocariasis is caused by infection with the larval stage of nematode parasites of dogs and cats, Toxocara canis or Toxocara cati. These helminths are not able to complete their life cycle in undefinitive hosts and so undergo aberrant migrations in the tissues causing a wide spectrum of signs and symptoms. Eosinophilia is often severe and sometimes represents the only sign of infection, except in ocular and neurological forms. Methods: We describe the clinical features of nine children affected by toxocariasis admitted to our Infectious Diseases department from 2004 to 2006. Results: Fever and hepatomegaly were the most common clinical findings. In two cases eosinophilia was not …
Asymptomatic Leishmania infantum/chagasi infection in blood donors of western Sicily.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the risk of transfusion-transmitted visceral leishmaniasis was present in an area of western Sicily where the incidence of the disease is higher than the regional average. From May to December 2005, 1449 blood donors from Agrigento district (Sicily, Italy) were screened for the presence of anti-Leishmania antibodies by an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Blood samples from IFAT-positive donors were examined by PCR to detect Leishmania DNA. Anti-Leishmania antibodies were found in 11 (0.75%) cases, among which Leishmania DNA was detected from four (36.4%). Particular techniques to inactivate different pathogens would be consid…
Visceral leishmaniasis in a patient with Down syndrome
Leishmaniosi viscerale e sindrome di Down:descrizione di un caso clinico
Sindrome nefrosica e sepsi da Gram negativi in corso di strongiloidiasi: considerazioni su un caso in immigrato imunocompetente
Strongyloidiasis is caused by a small intestinal nematode with a complex life cycle. In Italy the infection is endemic in rural areas of the Po Valley. The clinical syndrome of S. stercoralis encompasses a broad spectrum of symptoms and signs and, in the immunocompromised host, larvae can migrate to different organs and tissues. Also immune response seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease. We report a case of strongyloidiasis complicated by Gram-negative sepsis and nephrotic syndrome in an immigrant from South America with a normal immune response. Whereas sepsis cleared up quickly, parasitic clearance was obtained only after treatment with ivermectin and nephrotic syndrome …