G Giannatempo

Expression of salivary biomarkers in patients with oral mucositis: evaluation by SELDI-TOF/MS.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate changes in proteomic salivary profile of patients with oral mucositis after adjuvant cancer treatments. Materials and Methods: Samples were collected from patients after adjuvant cancer therapies, and were analyzed by means of SELDI/TOF. Patients were separated in two groups: patients affected by mucositis (MUCOSITIS) and patient without mucositis (NO MUCOSITIS). All patients were divided in function of the anticancer treatment: patients who had radiotherapy (MUCOSITIS RADIO), had not radiotherapy (MUCOSITIS NO RADIO), had chemotherapy (MUCOSITIS CHEMO), and those who had not chemotherapy (MUCOSITIS NO CHEMO). Statistical evaluation PCA (Principal Comp…

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Paresthesia of the lip caused by a large osteoma of the mandible treated with a conservative approach: a case report.”

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Adverse drug reactions in the oral cavity

Several drugs may have a number of adverse reactions (ADRs) involving the oro-facial region. The dose of the drug and the time required for the reaction to take place are relevant parameters; nonetheless, ADRs mechanisms are not always known and ADRs are not always predictable since aspects other than drug pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics, as well as various interacting variables contribute to the final outcome. All tissues and many functions of the oral cavity can be affected. In particular, salivary function is fre- quently involved and hypo-salivation is the main manifestation; several mucosal lesions with different morphology (ulcerations, vesiculo- bullous lesions, white lesion…

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Aim. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common malignant tumor of the oral cavity and is a neoplasia characterized by a poor prognosis. In fact, the estimated survival rate is 44% after 5 years from the diagnosis. The prognosis of the disease is significantly related to the stage in which the disease is diagnosed. Moreover the therapies are not very efficient and are so invasive, disfiguring and debilitating that in the survivors the quality of life is poor. Nowadays there is not a reliable and non-invasive method for early diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma and the simple visual examination of the oral cavity is characterized by a low sensitivity and specificity, also b…

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Diode laser treatment of a large oral hemangioma

Background. Several options can be taken into account to treat hemangiomas; the most considered is the surgical excision, although total removal is not always possible, especially for large lesions, since vital structures can be involved. Another treatment includes the diode laser therapy. Objectives. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case of micro-invasive treatment of a large oral hemangioma in the buccal mucosa using a 900 nm diode laser. Case report. A 49-year-old female patient was referred to our sector of oral medicine reporting difficult chewing, swelling, and occasionally bleeding, from a congenital neoformation. Clinical examination revealed a dark blue and multiglobu…

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Salivary proteomic biomarkers of oral squamous cell carcinoma

Objectives. The aim of the present study is to investigate the presence of proteomic signatures of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) in saliva and their use as potential biomarkers for early and non-invasive diagnosis, as well as prognostication. Methods. Saliva from 45 OSCC patients and 30 healthy controls was analysed by SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry and ProteinChip® technology. Proteomic profiles were tested with differential expression analysis and fold change of protein peaks, principal component analysis, Spearman rank correlation test and hierarchical clustering in order to identify a list of peaks of interest representative of controls, N- and N+ cases. Those peaks were used in a su…

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Oral mucositis: a survey on changes in the proteomic profile

Objectives. Oral mucositis is the most severe complication of anticancer therapy. It occurs in 40-85% of patients during chemotherapy and radiotherapy but also in patients who have undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The symptoms for oral mucositis are burning and severe pain oral, spontaneous bleeding, dysphagia, dysarthria and odynophagia; especially pain and burning sensation on swallowing contribute to decreased quality of life for oncologic patients and, in severe cases, may also force the patient to feed parenterally (1). Furthermore, if the mucositis is severe it can lead to partial or complete interruption of radiotherapy before completion of the treatment protocol wi…

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Aim. Bisphosphonate Related OsteoNecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ) is described as an adverse event related to amino-bisphosphonate (NBP) therapy, occurring as a result of reduced bone resorption and bone turnover. One of the most significant risk factor associated with the onset of BRONJ is tooth extraction even if not yet supported by definitive scientific evidences. The aim of this study is to propose a simple surgical/medical protocol to carry out dental extractions in patients in therapy with NBPs in order to minimize the BRONJ risk. Materials and methods. Eighty-eight patients currently or previously treated with NBPs were selected for extractions of compromised teeth. Patients were divided…

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The surgical treatment of mandibular peripheral calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (pindborg tumor) with Er,Cr:YSGG laser: a case report.”

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Treatment of post-surgical scars of cheek’s mucosa with Er, Cr: YSGG laser

Background. Bulkiness and unsightly scarring are very common complaints after oral cancer surgical treatment. The scar of cheek can give complications such as: reduced mouth opening or interference with mastication. Both of these complications are particularly sources of discomfort for patient and may cause additional trauma to the treated mucosa.There are several ways to reduce these complications: the most widely used is surgical excision of the scar but this treatment often requires more invasive surgery. Case report. A 58-year-old male patient, treated surgically for a carcinoma in situ in the right cheek, reported to our oral medicine sector after this excision. The patient manifested …

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Minimally invasive approach to eliminate pyogenic granuloma using Er, Cr: YSGG laser

Backgroung. PG or granuloma pyogenicum is a common tumor like growth of the oral cavity that is considered to be of non-neoplastic nature, arising commonly as a result of constant low grade trauma and poor oral hygiene and in few instances because of hormonal disturbances. Since it is a benign lesion, choice of treatment is surgical excision with removal of underlying cause if any. A newer treatment modality using laser has been reported. Case report. A 16-year-old male patient reported to our sector of oral medicine with the chief complaint of intra-oral painless growth since four months. Past history and medical history did not reveal any relevant information. He was taking no medication …

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Laser-assisted surgery in oral medicine: treatment of fibrous epulis with diode 915 nm

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