G. Scavone
Combining a Two-Source Patch Model with Satellite Data to Monitor Daily Evapotranspiration at a Regional Scale
In this work, we present a micro-meteorological approach for estimating surface energy fluxes that can be operationally used together with satellite images to monitor surface energy fluxes at a regional scale. In particular we will focus on the retrieval of daily evapotranspiration. The feasibility of the model is explored at a local scale using data collected over a maize crop in Beltsville, Maryland, USA, and a boreal forest in Sodankyla, Finland. Comparison of the results with ground measurements shows errors between plusmn15 and plusmn50 W m-2 for the retrieval of net radiation, soil heat flux, and sensible and latent heat fluxes in both sites. A methodology to apply the model to Landsa…
Monitoring daily evapotranspiration at a regional scale from Landsat-TM and ETM+ data: Application to the Basilicata region
Summary The increasing interest of hydrological, climatic and meteorological models in the different components of the surface energy balance has encouraged the development of operational methods for estimating surface energy fluxes at a regional scale. In this paper, a sequence of three high-resolution satellite-based surface energy fluxes images are analyzed over an extensive area with a large variety of land uses. Two images from Landsat 7-ETM+ (1999, 2002) and one from Landsat 5-TM (2004) are collected covering the whole Basilicata region (Southern Italy). A Simplified version of a Two-Source Energy Balance (STSEB) model is used to retrieve the surface sensible heat flux. A balance betw…
Fusión de las imágenes Landsat y micrometeorológicas para hacer un seguimiento de la evapotranspiración diaria a escala regional
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la aplicabilidad operacional de un modelo propuesto recientemente (Sánchez et al., 2008) junto con imágenes de satélite para hacer un seguimiento de los flujos de energía de la superficie a escala regional. En concreto, nos centraremos en la obtención de la evapotranspiración diaria por la especial significación que tiene este flujo en la generación de precipitación o en la gestión de las fuentes de agua para usos agrícolas. Presentamos una metodología detallada para aplicar el Método Simplificado de Balance Energético de Dos Fuentes a las imágenes Landsat. Los distintos rasgos de las tierras de cultivo de superficie vienen caracterizados por los mapas…
Pixel-oriented land use classification in energy balance modelling
Mass and energy transfer between soil, vegetation and atmosphere is the process that allows to maintain an adequate energy and water balance in the earth–atmosphere system. However, the evaluation of the energy balance components, such as the net radiation and the sensible and latent heat fluxes, is characterized by significant uncertainties related to both the dynamic nature of heat transfer processes and surfaces heterogeneity. Therefore, a detailed land use classification and an accurate evaluation of vegetation spatial distribution are required for an accurate estimation of these variables. For this purpose, in the present article, a pixel-oriented supervised classification was applied …