Suomalaisten maatilojen resilienssi osana tulevaisuuden ruokaturvaa
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan maatilojen asemaa suomalaisen ruokaturvan kontekstissa. Maataloutta voidaan pitää haavoittuvaisena osana elintarvikejärjestelmässä. Sen vuoksi on tärkeää tarkastella sen asemaa kansallisen ruokaturvan takaajana. Selviytyäkseen maatiloilla täytyy olla resilienssiä eli kykyä mukautua väistämättä tapahtuviin muutoksiin. Artikkeli perustuu tutkimukseen, jossa haastateltiin 15 elintarvikejärjestelmän asiantuntijaa. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriasidonnaisella sisällönanalyysillä. Analyysissä on hyödynnetty Darnhoferin jaottelua maatilojen resilienssin ulottuvuuksista. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan maatalouden ongelmat liittyvät kannattavuuteen, sukupolvenvaihdosten onnistum…
Consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food: a focus group study
The purpose of this study is to provide information on consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food products and the main product attributes that influence consumers' buying behaviour in the case of organic, Fair Trade and locally produced food. The paper draws on data from four focus groups. The results provide empirical insight into the motivating as well as the restricting factors that influence consumers' purchasing behaviour in the case of sustainably produced food and introduce the emerging key themes associated with the attributes of sustainably produced food products.
Suomalaisen ruokaturvan ulottuvuudet : sisällönanalyysi ruokaturvasta julkisissa asiakirjoissa
There has been wide public debate about global food security over the decades. Academic research has mainly focused on developing countries, which are most affected by food insecurity. In this context, only a little attention has been paid to the situation in developed countries like Finland. Contributing to filling this gap, this article studies how food security is understood and contextualized in Finland. Food security is explored by the four commonly used dimensions: 1) access, 2) availability, 3) stability (of supply) and 4) utilization. The research data consists of public reports related to food security as published by the ministries, organizations and research institutes. The analy…
Ruoka, maatalous ja kestävyysmurros puhuttivat tutkijoita Jyväskylässä
Action-oriented knowledge for sustainable management of organic soils in Finnish agriculture
Agriculture is a contributing force to climate change due to unsustainable changes in land use with the usage of peatlands for food production in Finland. The use of organic soils in food production is a complex and politically driven issue, thus multistakeholder and participatory approaches to policy development, implementation and evaluation are essential. This study is integrating qualitative and quantitative methods in an iterative process to produce action-oriented knowledge for supporting actions to sustainably manage peatlands and reduce the enormous greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural peatlands. This study has engaged inter-disciplinary researchers and transdisciplinary actor…