Philippe Ricaud

Régulation et l'internet

research product

Study on the cancer’s representations from non-initiated academic pupils and their filing systems

International audience

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Utopies et medias de masse

International audience; Toute technologie est portée, au moins à ses débuts, par un imaginaire.Utopies et médias de masse traite des courants utopiques qui ont cherché à considérer les médias de masse comme un levier pour une société meilleure. La perspective adoptée est à la fois historique, sociétale et éducationnelle. Elle permet d’expliquer ces courants, de les situer dans leur contexte mais aussi de saisir l’influence qu’ils ont pu avoir. Si cet ouvrage jette parfois un regard rétrospectif sur le XIXe siècle ou plus loin dans le passé, il couvre principalement le XIXe siècle. Il examine également les conditions d’une éducation aux médias de masse au XXIe siècle.L’ouvrage s’adresse aux …

research product

Impact of “Relation with learning” on scientific conceptions and knowledge among gymnasium pupils

International audience; According Balacheff and Clement models, knowledge (K) and conceptions (C) interact mutually. Clement seems to define conceptions as a set of items fueled by values, practices and knowledge while Balacheff defines knowledge as a set of situated conceptions. Moreover, Chevallard and Charlot make the hypotesis that learning requires a factor commonly underestimated: the “relation with learning”.This study surveys the impact of the relation with learning on the evolution of scientific conceptions and knowledge among learners. It intends to test the Charlot and Chevallard hypothesis as well as the Balacheff and Clement models in order to identify a possible interaction be…

research product

Penser par images avec Bachelard

International audience

research product

L'imaginaire dans la communication scientifique.

9 pages; National audience; L'étude de publications scientifiques en paléontologie montre l'existence d'une nette dichotomie entre les revues spécialisées d'un côté et certaines revues à haute valeur scientifique et les revues de vulgarisation de l'autre. L'imaginaire portant sur l'origine de l'homme, les dinosaures et les oiseaux semble favoriser leur grande diffusion auprès d'un large public. Nous proposons une hypothèse générale expliquant la mise en place d'un état d'engouement portant sur trois facteurs : le capital imaginaire, l'état de latence et les événements déclencheurs.

research product

Taïwan, ou De la difficulté à faire entendre sa voix à l'heure d'Internet

Malgre une democratisation reussie, une economie florissante et un libre acces a Internet, Taiwan reste largement absent de l’espace public international. Cette absence resulte de la politique subtile menee par la Chine. La strategie de Pekin consiste a concentrer l’attention des acteurs internationaux et dans le meme temps a effacer toute trace de Taiwan dans l’espace public en tant que pays independant (dans les organisations internationales comme dans les medias). L’article suggere que Taiwan ne renforcera sa position que par l’intensification des negociations directes avec la Chine continentale. L’exemple taiwanais eclaire un peu plus les strategies regulatrices des Etats en reponse aux…

research product

“Scientific culture’s Representations among students teachers of science”, Cracovie, Pologne, 28 avril 2015.

International audience

research product

Evolution of scientific conceptions and knowledge among gymnasium pupils

International audience; Two major models investigate the relationship between conceptions and knowledge: the KVP model of Clement and the structural model of Balacheff. In order to prove the necessity to shift the conceptions as claimed by Giordan’s allosteric model, it is important to study the evolution and the relationship between conceptions and knowledge. This research deals with the following questions: what sort of relationship can be established between conceptions and knowledge? What factor can make these two parameters evolve? This study was carried out on 45 pupils (two classrooms). It intended to collect conceptions and knowledge before and after science learning training. Indiv…

research product

Study on the cancer’s representations from primary school pupils and their filing systems

Proceedings of the 6th edition of the New Perspectives in Science Education Conference, Florence, March 16,-17, 2017; International audience; Representation is an act of thought through which a subject relates to an object. There is no representation without an object. In order to comprehend the representation’s content, it is thus necessary to emphasize on the components from the representations which scientific information belongs to and that is of great interest for us on this study on cancer.This study aims to identify the cancer’s representations that 10 years old pupils possess (in Year 5). The variable taken into account in this study is the knowledge of cancer these young pupils hav…

research product

Influence of “relation with learning” on a situation of communication teaching-learning for different Scholar pupils

International audience; Communication can be understood as the set of relations between two people interacting. Between learners and teachers, the relationship is induced by a situation of communication teaching-learning. In this constructivism theory, Chevallard and Charlot [1,2] make the hypotesis that learning requires a factor commonly underestimated: the “relation with learning”. This study surveys the impact of the “relation with learning” of pupils under a situation of communication teaching-learning. The evolution of conceptions among learners had been studied in parallel of pedagogical method proposed by teacher.The necessity to change the conceptions in scientific learning is clai…

research product

Le réseau pensant

research product

Science racontée, science sensible

International audience

research product

Le contrôle d'Internet : l'avers et le revers : Regards sur la société de l'information en Chine

research product

Regard anthropologique sur les cultures de la table

research product

Le repas d'affaires

research product

Representations of cancer among pupils : a linked influence of the academic and extraccuricular environements

International audience

research product

La liberté d'expression, une spécificité occidentale ?

research product

Bien manger selon le journal L'Auto : Culture alimentaire et culture sportive

International audience

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Contre le livre : le biblioclasme comme posture intellectuelle

research product