J. Izquierdo

Flexible negotiation process to adhere to human preferences; A case of work equipment risk assessment

Making structured and reliable decisions on relevant business problems often requires expert assistance. In decision making practice, experts are frequently required to pairwise compare elements to support the decision made. This paper proposes a user-friendly negotiation procedure to establish an effective feedback relation with experts to globally increase the consistency of their pairwise comparisons judgments, where necessary. To this aim, we develop a flexible tool, which makes use of an algebraic consistency-improving algorithm and a sensitivity analysis technique to identify which judgments contribute most to inconsistency. The framework pursues friendliness for the involved decision…

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Combined HACCP and TOPSIS-based approach to prioritize risks in the salmon manufacturing process: A case study

The food safety risk assessment is defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as the scientific evaluation of known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to food-borne hazards. Nowadays, the implementation of a systematic and disciplined risk assessment approach in the food safety field is recognized to be a powerful tool for carrying out science-based analyses and for reaching sound consistent solutions to food safety problems. With this recognition, a combined Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)-based approach is proposed in the present paper to prioritize risks of t…

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The ELECTRE I method to optimise GPR data processing analyses for maintenance of water networks

Management of water supply systems (WSSs) can be effectively pursued by means of data processing techniques based on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) image mining. This approach enables to collect different graphical representations of WSS buried elements on the basis of which planning maintenance interventions, with the objective of improving the overall condition of the system. This paper proposes to support this kind of techniques by means of a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) point of view. In particular, the ELECTRE I method is suggested to treat results coming from the application of different techniques. A real case study is applied with relation to a set of four alternatives, whi…

research product

The FTOPSIS method to support FMECA analyses

This paper proposes an approach based on multi-criteria decisional methods to manage the results derived from reliability analyses. In detail, this paper proposes ranking the failure modes of a system when analyzed with failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) using the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solutions (TOPSIS). To better manage the uncertainty of evaluations made under the differing criteria, the TOPSIS method is applied in its fuzzy version (FTOPSIS). When the method is applied to a case study, the results highlight the main possible critical faults and supply fundamental information to take into account during the scheduling of maintenance ac…

research product

Human reliability analysis to support the development of a software project

The Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) is considered as a useful tool in predicting and quantifying the occurrence of human errors during the execution of a specific task. With this recognition, the present paper firstly aims at discussing the support given by HRA methodologies to the fault risk evaluation. Then, the Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction (THERP) is suggested to evaluate the success probability of a software development project.

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Fuzzy cognitive maps for knowledge-oriented human risk management in industry

This contribution proposes an integrated approach making use of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) to organise in a flexibleway human knowledge about decision-making (DM) problems of interest in industry. By modelling human reasoning, FCMs allow to represent real phenomena on the basis of spontaneous human brainstorming on relations between pairs of relevant DM elements. Because of its characteristics, the use of FCMs can be effective to model DM problems such as human risk management, particularly critical in the industrial business sector. After identifying human risks in the existing literature, FCMs will be used to define relations among risks, which will be later prioritised by means of a mod…

research product

DEMATEL-based consensual selection of suitable maintenance KPIs

This paper aims to highlight the fundamental role of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) tools to perform efficiently in such a complex field as industrial maintenance. Typically, a strategic plan of maintenance interventions has to be first implemented and then continuously checked by maintenance management. Given the importance to monitor the quality and suitability of the undertaken choices, the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method is herein suggested to evaluate some of the most important maintenance Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on the basis of their mutual relationships. DEMATEL is particularly adequate to take into account interdependencies existing …

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