D. Saur
Optimalization of doubletone polarography
Abstract Through the application of coherent fundamental frequencies, the synchronization of measuring frequency and dropping frequency, which facilitate the use of phase sensitive techniques, doubletone polarography could be developed into a highly sensitive polarographic method with a high resolution in common with all derivative methods.
Second harmonic ac polarography of strongly adsorbed electroactive species
Abstract The second harmonic ac current is calculated for the case of a quasi-reversible surface redox system: both species are strongly adsorbed according to a Langmuir isotherm and the kinetics of the process are controlled by the electron transfer. The current is measured with a phase-sensitive detector and the variation of the in-phase and quadrature components vs. the frequency leads to the surface rate constant ks. The experimental results obtained for benzo-(c)cinnoline are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions and with the results of impedance measurements. The advantages of the two methods are compared.