Ferdinando De Vita
Cancer of the Esophagus
In 2015 esophageal cancer (OC) was globally the 11th most common cancer with 483,000 new cases and the 7th most common cause of cancer-related deaths, with 439,000 deaths. Esophageal cancer is a highly lethal disease of older age, sixth to seventh decades, associated with a remarkable decline in health-related quality of life, high mortality, and poor prognosis with an overall 5-year survival no greater than 20%. The two major histological types, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC), while sharing the esophageal site, can be considered like two different neoplastic diseases as they differ in their epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, and treatment. Other malignancies …
Adjuvant chemotherapy with epirubicin, leucovorin, 5-fluorouracil and etoposide regimen in resected gastric cancer patients: a randomized phase III trial by the Gruppo Oncologico Italia Meridionale (GOIM 9602 Study).
Adjuvant chemotherapy
Second line therapy with axitinib after only prior sunitinib in metastatic renal cell cancer: Italian multicenter real world SAX study final results
Abstract Background This multi-institutional retrospective real life study was conducted in 22 Italian Oncology Centers and evaluated the role of Axitinib in second line treatment in not selected mRCC patients. Methods 148 mRCC patients were evaluated. According to Heng score 15.5%, 60.1% and 24.4% of patients were at poor risk, intermediate and favorable risk, respectively. Results PFS, OS, DCR and ORR were 7.14 months, 15.5 months, 70.6% and 16.6%, respectively. The duration of prior sunitinib treatment correlated with a longer significant mPFS, 8.8 vs 6.3 months, respectively. Axitinib therapy was safe, without grade 4 adverse events. The most frequent toxicities of all grades were: fati…