Moin Syed
Change in ego development, coping, and symptomatology from adolescence to emerging adulthood
Abstract In a 10-year longitudinal study, the developmental course of internalizing and externalizing symptoms was investigated in a group of 98 individuals who exhibited different ego development trajectories from adolescence into emerging adulthood. This study explored whether an increase or a decrease in psychopathological symptomatology was associated with different ego development progressions in conjunction with the use of certain coping behaviors. In general, the study revealed that increases in ego development and the use of adaptive coping behavior were associated with a decrease in symptomatology over time. Ego developmental trajectories with a very steep progression were linked w…
A primer for choosing, designing and evaluating registered reports for qualitative methods
Registered reports are a publication format that involves peer reviewing studies both before and after carrying out research procedures. Although registered reports were originally developed to combat challenges in quantitative and confirmatory study designs, today registered reports are also available for qualitative and exploratory work. This article provides a brief primer that aims to help researchers in choosing, designing, and evaluating registered reports, which are driven by qualitative methods.