G. Vale
The peculiarities of colour centre production in doped alkali halides
The peculiarities of colour centre production and recombination in KBr, KI crystals doped with Tl, In are examined. The photostimulated dopant ion luminescence (PSL response) follows that of the F-centre production in the subnanosecond time range. It is concluded that the radiation defects in a doped crystal are spatially distributed in the near vicinity of the dopants. To a limited extent the photo- and thermostimulated defect recombination also takes place near the dopant.
Optical storage in doped microstructures of alkali halides
Peculiarities of colour centres production and their recombination in photostimulated processes in doped alkali halide microstructures were examined in connection with their practical use as active photostimulable media in miniaturised optoelectronic and photonic devices. The specific interaction of unrelaxed H-centres and electrons with the dopants in different valence and electronic states open a way for widening the scope of multifunctional (logical and mathematical) optical data processing and transfer.
The Photoluminescence and Biochemical Properties of Biological
The UV-VIS range photoiuminescence of entomophatogenic mushrooms Entomophora txaxteriana (Petch) Hall et Bell, Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill as well as of biologicals on their basis enthomophtorin and bouverin are examined. They were worked out for abolition insect-pests of plants: louses of apple-tree and Colorado potato beetles, therefore obtaining ecologically clean fruits and potatoes. The biologicals were produced in the Institute of Biology (Latvian AS) by K. Jegina on basis of regional mushrooms.