Depth-dose measurement corrections for the surface electronic brachytherapy beams of an Esteya® unit: a Monte Carlo study
Abstract Three different correction factors for measurements with the parallel-plate ionization chamber PTW T34013 on the Esteya electronic brachytherapy unit have been investigated. This chamber type is recommended by AAPM TG-253 for depth-dose measurements in the 69.5 kV x-ray beam generated by the Esteya unit. Monte Carlo simulations using the PENELOPE-2018 system were performed to determine the absorbed dose deposited in water and in the chamber sensitive volume at different depths with a Type A uncertainty smaller than 0.1%. Chamber-to-chamber differences have been explored performing measurements using three different chambers. The range of conical applicators available, from 10 to 30…
Collision-kerma conversion between dose-to-tissue and dose-to-water by photon energy-fluence corrections in low-energy brachytherapy
The AAPM TG-43 brachytherapy dosimetry formalism, introduced in 1995, has become a standard for brachytherapy dosimetry worldwide; it implicitly assumes that charged-particle equilibrium (CPE) exists for the determination of absorbed dose to water at different locations, except in the vicinity of the source capsule. Subsequent dosimetry developments, based on Monte Carlo calculations or analytical solutions of transport equations, do not rely on the CPE assumption and determine directly the dose to different tissues. At the time of relating dose to tissue and dose to water, or vice versa, it is usually assumed that the photon fluence in water and in tissues are practically identical, so tha…
Transit dose comparisons for60Co and192Ir HDR sources
The goal of this study is to evaluate the ambient dose due to the transit of high dose rate (HDR) 60Co sources along a transfer tube as compared to 192Ir ones in a realistic clinical scenario. This goal is accomplished by evaluating air-kerma differences with Monte Carlo calculations using PENELOPE2011. Scatter from both the afterloader and the patient was not taken into account. Two sources, mHDR-v2 and Flexisource Co-60, (Elekta Brachytherapy, Veenendaal, the Netherlands) have been considered. These sources were simulated within a standard transfer tube located in an infinite air phantom. The movement of the source was included by displacing their positions along the connecting tube from …
Monte Carlo calculation of beam quality correction factors for PTW cylindrical ionization chambers in photon beams.
The beam quality correction factor k Q for megavoltage photon beams has been calculated for eight PTW (Freiburg, Germany) ionization chambers (Farmer chambers PTW30010, PTW30011, PTW30012, and PTW30013, Semiflex 3D chambers PTW31021, PTW31010, and PTW31013, and the PinPoint 3D chamber PTW31016). Simulations performed on the widely used NE-2571 ionization chamber have been used to benchmark the results. The Monte Carlo code PENELOPE/penEasy was used to calculate the absorbed dose to a point in water and the absorbed dose to the active air volume of the chambers for photon beams in the range 4 to 24 MV. Of the nine ionization chambers analysed, only five are included in the current version of…
Correction factors for ionization chamber measurements with the ‘Valencia’ and ‘large field Valencia’ brachytherapy applicators
Treatment of small skin lesions using HDR brachytherapy applicators is a widely used technique. The shielded applicators currently available in clinical practice are based on a tungsten-alloy cup that collimates the source-emitted radiation into a small region, hence protecting nearby tissues. The goal of this manuscript is to evaluate the correction factors required for dose measurements with a plane-parallel ionization chamber typically used in clinical brachytherapy for the 'Valencia' and 'large field Valencia' shielded applicators. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed using the PENELOPE-2014 system to determine the absorbed dose deposited in a water phantom and in the chamber act…