David W. Murphy
VSOP monitoring of the Quasar 1928+738
One limitation of the VSOP (VLBI Space Observatory Program) mission is that several famous superluminal sources such as 3C273 cannot be monitored with good uv-coverage throughout the lifetime of the VSOP Mission at regular intervals that are spaced closely enough to follow the evolution in the fine-scale source-structure. The reason for this is that the HALCA spacecraft cannot#observe sources outside certain restricted ranges of sun angle, defined to be the time variable angle between the source and the sun. However sources that lie within 10 degrees of the ecliptic poles can be observed throughout the year and observations are not restricted to narrow temporal windows. Furthermore, the bes…
VSOP monitoring of the quasar 1928+738
Abstract In the paper we describe the first results from a campaign to monitor the relatively low redshift (z=0.3) circumpolar superluminal quasar 1928+738 with VSOP. The three epochs of data that we have analyzed show that there have been substantial structural changes in this source near the core on the time-scale of a few months.