Tetyana Köller
Electro-kinetics of charged-sphere suspensions explored by integral low-angle super-heterodyne laser Doppler velocimetry
We investigated the flow behaviour of colloidal charged-sphere suspensions using a newly designed integral low-angle super-heterodyne laser Doppler velocimetry instrument, which combines the advantages of several previous approaches. Sample conditions ranged from strong electrostatic interactions with pronounced short-range order to individual particles with no spatial correlations. The obtained power spectra correspond to diffusion broadened velocity distributions across the complete sample cross section. The excellent performance of the instrument is highlighted in detail by the example of electro-kinetic flow of suspensions in a closed cell of a rectangular cross section. We demonstrate …
Salt concentration and particle density dependence of electrophoretic mobilities of spherical colloids in aqueous suspension.
Using laser Doppler velocimetry in the superheterodyne mode, we conducted a systematic study of the electrophoretic mobility of dispersions of small silica spheres (a=18 nm) suspended in water at different salinities and particle concentrations. The concentration of NaCl was varied from 40 microM up to 16 mM, while the particle concentrations were varied between 4.2x10(18) and 2.1x10(20) m-3. We find a decrease of mobility with increasing salt concentrations and an increase with increased particle number densities. The latter observation is not backed by the standard cell model of electrophoresis with Shilov-Zharkikh boundary conditions. Rather, if the experimental data are interpreted with…