Giorgio Anfuso
Storm Energy Flux Characterization along the Mediterranean Coast of Andalusia (Spain)
This paper investigates wave climate and storm characteristics along the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia, for the period 1979&ndash
Caracterización y evolución del sistema playa-duna de la costa mediterránea de Andalucía (España): influencia de procesos naturales y actuaciones antrópicas
En las últimas décadas, los impactos relacionados con la erosión costera en las costas del mundo han aumentado significativamente debido al actual desarrollo costero y a la ocupación turística, así como a los eventos naturales de erosión/inundación acelerados por el cambio climático. Las costas oceánicas son entornos muy dinámicos y cambiantes, ya que muestran una gran variabilidad temporal y espacial en respuesta a la acción de diferentes y complejos procesos costeros. Esta variabilidad a escala temporal interanual está relacionada con las variaciones climáticas estacionales del oleaje, debido a distribuciones temporales y espaciales de tormentas de alta latitud y tormentas/huracanes tropi…
Medium-term shoreline evolution of the mediterranean coast of Andalusia (SW Spain)
Coastal environment is a dynamic system in which numerous natural processes are continuously actuating and interacting among them. As a result, geomorphologic, physical and biological characteristics of coastal environments are constantly changing. Such dynamic balance is nowadays seriously threatened by the strong and increasing anthropic pressure that favors erosion processes, and the associated loss of environmental, ecologic and economic aspects. Sandy beaches are the most vulnerable environments in coastal areas. The aim of this work was to reconstruct the historical evolution of the Mediterranean coastline of Andalusia, Spain. The investigated area is about 500 km in length and includ…
Shoreline Evolution and Environmental Changes at the NW Area of the Gulf of Gela (Sicily, Italy)
Coastal areas are among the most biologically productive, dynamic and valued ecosystems on Earth. They are subject to changes that greatly vary in scale, time and duration and to additional pressures resulting from anthropogenic activities. The aim of this work was to investigate the shoreline evolution and the main environmental changes of the coastal stretch between the towns of Licata and Gela (in the Gulf of Gela, Sicily, Italy). The methodology used in this work included the analysis of: (i) shoreline changes over the long- and medium-term periods (1955–2019 and 1989–2019, respectively), (ii) dune system fragmentation and (iii) the impact of coastal structures (harbours and breakwaters…
Dune systems' characterization and evolution in the andalusia mediterranean coast (Spain)
This paper deals with the characterization and evolution of dune systems along the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia, in the South of Spain, a first step to assess their relevant value in coastal flood protection and in the determination of sound management strategies to protect such valuable ecological systems. Different dune types were mapped as well as dune toe position and fragmentation, which favors dune sensitivity to storms&rsquo
Decadal evolution of coastline armouring along the Mediterranean Andalusia littoral (South of Spain)
Abstract Emplacement of hard coastal defence structures, such as seawalls, revetments, groins and breakwaters, or even ports, harbours and marinas, is commonly known as coastline armouring. This paper deals with coastal armouring evolution along the 546 km Mediterranean coast of Andalusia (Spain). It is based on photo interpretation and GIS tools, which have been employed to map coastal structure emplacement and evolution by analysis of 1956, 1977, 2001 and 2010 aerial photos. Additionally the coefficient of infrastructural impact K , which represented the relation between the total length of maritime structures and the length of the study coastal section, was obtained - i.e. minimal at 0.0…
The Mediterranean Coast of Andalusia (Spain): Medium-Term Evolution and Impacts of Coastal Structures
This paper shows coastal evolution along the Andalusia Region (Spain) and the impacts on it of coastal structures. The study area was divided into 47 units to calculate the erosion/accretion/stability (or evolution) rates by using the DSAS extension of ArcGIS software. Evolution rates were divided into different classes from &ldquo
The mediterranean coast of Andalusia (sw spain): the impacts of human coastal structures
Spanish coasts, especially the Andalusia Mediterranean one, were affected over time by progressive urbanization and associated construction of defense structures. Such structures protected small coastal sectors but at places triggered processes of coastal erosion and associated degradation of habitats and ecosystems. A correct management of coastal areas must be based on the monitoring of coastal evolution and human pressure. A useful tool to evaluate the level of human anthropization is the estimation of the "Coastal Armouring", e.g. the quantification of coastal defense structures, infrastructures, ports, etc. In this study, available aerial photographs and satellite images from 1956 to 2…