Evija Kļave
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību, 2010/2011: Nacionālā identitāte, mobilitāte un rīcībspēja
2010./2011. gada pārskats ir veidots valsts pētījumu programmas „Nacionālā identitāte” ietvaros. Pārskata uzdevums ir aplūkot indivīda nacionālās piederības saturu tautas attīstības kontekstā. 2010./2011. gada pārskatā īpaša uzmanība pievērsta arī emigrācijas jautājumiem, jo tautas attīstību vājina iedzīvotāju skaita samazināšanās valstī. Cilvēku aizceļošana un dzīve citās zemēs ir liecība tam, ka pastāv nemitīga identitāšu konkurence un transformācija. Pārskats arī atklāj to apstākļu un paņēmienu paleti (rīcībspēju), kas sekmē cilvēka piesaisti vietai, reģionam. Pārskata pirmās divas daļas, kur aplūkota nacionālā identitāte un emigrācija, vairāk atklāj problēmas un veicamos uzdevumus, taču…
Return Migration Process in Policy and Practice
AbstractThis chapter focuses on return migration processes in Latvia, integrating analysis of return migration policy and the experiences of return migrants. The analysis considers the extent to which return policy activities correspond to the needs and expectations of the target group, and addresses the role of this policy in the process of making the decision to return. The data used for the analysis are policy planning documents, The Emigrant Communities of Latvia survey and in-depth interviews. The main empirical evidence of the return experiences of migrants in the chapter comes from 18 in-depth interviews with Latvian returnees from various age and social status groups, who left Latvi…
Manoeuvring in Between: Mapping Out the Transnational Identity of Russian-Speaking Latvians in Sweden and Great Britain
AbstractThe proportion of the Russian-speaking population in Latvia increased dramatically during the Soviet period from 12% in 1935 to 42% in 1990 due to organised labour migration within the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially since the end of the 1990s, many Russian-speaking Latvians have migrated to Western countries. Very little is known about the national identities of these Russian-speaking Latvians. By analysing 30 life histories of Russian-speaking migrants from Latvia in Sweden and Great Britain, this study aims to analyse the transnational identities of Russian-speaking Latvians abroad. The analysis shows that the migrants’ own migration patterns in a…
Latvia. Human Development Report 2010/2011: National identity, Mobility and Capability
The 2010/2011 report was produced under the auspices of the national research programme „National Identity”. The job of the report is to survey the content of individual national belonging in the context of human development. The report particularly focuses on emigration issues, because human development is weakened by a reduction in the size of the country’s population. The fact that people are moving to other countries shows that there is an endless competition among identities, as well as a transformation of those identities. The report also reveals the set of circumstances and techniques (the ability to act) which facilitate links between an individual and a location or region. The firs…
Etnopolitisko diskursu analīze: valodas kopienu varas attiecības Latvijā
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