M. S. Hagger
The mediating role of constructs representing reasoned-action and automatic processes on the past behavior-future behavior relationship
Objective Past behavior has been consistently shown to predict and explain future behavior. It has been proposed that past behavior effects reflect both reasoned action and automatic processes. The current study sought to explore the mediation of past behavior-future behavior relationship via constructs reflecting these processes across three populations and behaviors: binge drinking in university students, flossing in adults, and parental sun safety behavior of children 2 – 5 years of age. Furthermore, this study used a measure of past behavior that combined long-term, recent, and routine patterns of behavioral engagement. Method A prospective design with two waves of data collection space…
Misguided Effort with Elusive Implications
Good self-control has been linked to adaptive outcomes such as better health, cohesive personal relationships, success in the workplace and at school, and less susceptibility to crime and addictions. In contrast, self-control failure is linked to maladaptive outcomes. Understanding the mechanisms by which self-control predicts behavior may assist in promoting better regulation and outcomes. A popular approach to understanding self-control is the strength or resource depletion model. Self-control is conceptualized as a limited resource that becomes depleted after a period of exertion resulting in self-control failure. The model has typically been tested using a sequential-task experimental p…