Anne Marie Presthus
Evaluering av forsøk i Hå kommune : delrapport 1, første breddestudie
Dette er den første delrapporten i prosjektet "Evaluering av forsøk i Hå kommune". Høgskolen i Agder har i 2 år fulgt arbeidet med forsøk i Hå. Etter at forsøket er avsluttet sommeren 2002, skal analyser av innsamlede data gjøres ferdig, og det skal skrives sluttrapport om evalueringsarbeidet. Denne rapporten gjør rede for den første breddestudien i evalueringa. I rapporten gjøres det rede for hvilke avvik Hå kommune har søkt fra L 97, opplæringslov og arbeidstidsavtale. Det orienteres om evalueringsoppgaven og metoden i denne første breddestudien. Delrapporten gir en kort beskrivelse av skoleorganisasjonen i Hå. Det gis en beskrivelse av de ti grunnskolene i kommunen og hvilke deler av for…
Fostering Learning and Sustained Improvement: The Influence of Principalship
This article reports on selected findings from the project ‘Revisiting Successful Principals’. The authors revisited some of the schools which participated in the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP) five years ago. In this article they focus on how the principals are positioning themselves as leaders, and how they are involved in the construction of a public self, while responding to questions about fostering learning and sustained improvement. The study confirms that a principal may have a significant influence on a school's policy and in particular the preferred strategies. In addition, the study revealed that, despite the new expectations which are raised towar…
Upper secondary school organisations : a case study of two Norwegian schools
Successful principalship in Norway: sustainable ethos and incremental changes?
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore whether and how success has been sustained over time in schools which were identified as being successful five years ago.Design/methodology/approachThree schools were selected for a revisit, and the sample included two combined schools (grade 1‐10) and one upper secondary school (grade 11‐13). In two schools the same principals were still in post, and in the third school there had recently been a change in principalship. Interviews with the principal and a group of teachers at each school were the major source of new data. Questions that guided the study: What structural and cultural changes can be identified within the schools compared with fi…