Ana Sánchez
María Consuelo Reyna Periodista y empresaria en la Transición valenciana
El pasado 31 de enero Las Provincias, el diario decano de Valencia, celebró su 150 aniversario. Los actos conmemorativos contaron con la asistencia del rey Felipe VI inaugurando la muestra ‘La huella de 150 valencianos en el 150 aniversario de Las Provincias’ y, sin embargo, faltó un personaje que ha dejado huella en su pasado de casi tres décadas, María Consuelo Reyna. Reyna, descendiente del fundador de Las Provincias y una de las primeras mujeres al frente de un medio, ha sido voz y testigo de la Transición desde la redacción. Destituida en 1999 por el Consejo integrado por las familias Reyna y Zarranz, la empresa pasa entonces a Vocento, y finaliza un largo ciclo, determinante en la rec…
An open path for gender equality in research : when female scientists question the state of science and the institutions embrace the criticism
The institutionalisation of equality policy in science, both at the national and the European scale, should facilitate progress towards equality in a space that wants to consider itself merit (and ability) driven. But discriminatory practices, both conscious and unconscious, direct or indirect, leave women out of many of the positions that they should occupy according to their accomplishments and capabilities. Many scientific institutions and their professionals still do not understand that if gender equality is only formally achieved and actual compliance is not monitored, they will lose part of the talent they are trying to cultivate.
Caustic ingestion: development and validation of a prognostic score
Abstract Background Caustic ingestion is a potentially severe condition and early identification of poor outcome is essential to improve management; however, prediction based on endoscopy alone can overestimate severity. This study aimed to develop and validate a prognostic score. Methods A prospective cohort study was designed to include all consecutive patients aged > 15 years who presented with caustic ingestion between 1995 and 2017. Adverse outcome was defined by intensive care unit admission, urgent surgery, or death. The predictive value of clinical, analytical, and endoscopic variables was assessed in the first cohort (derivation cohort) and a prognostic score based on the result…
Simultaneous and multi-criteria optimization of TS requirements and maintenance at NPPs
Abstract One of the main concerns of the nuclear industry is to improve the availability of safety-related systems at nuclear power plants (NPPs) to achieve high safety levels. The development of efficient testing and maintenance has been traditionally one of the different ways to guarantee high levels of systems availability, which are implemented at NPP through technical specification and maintenance requirements (TS&M). On the other hand, there is a widely recognized interest in using the probabilistic risk analysis (PRA) for risk-informed applications aimed to emphasize both effective risk control and effective resource expenditures at NPPs. TS&M-related parameters in a plant are associ…
An open path for gender equality in research: When women scientists question the state of science and the institutions embrace the criticism
The institutionalisation of equality policy in science, both at the national and the European scale, should facilitate progress towards equality in a space that wants to consider itself merit (and ability) driven. But discriminatory practices, both conscious and unconscious, direct or indirect, leave women out of many of the positions that they should occupy according to their accomplishments and capabilities. Many scientific institutions and their professionals still do not understand that if gender equality is only formally achieved and actual compliance is not monitored, they will lose part of the talent they are trying to cultivate.
Las tecnologías de reproducción asistida y sus metáforas
The enormous development -in both research and application- of assisted reproduction technologies has been accompanied by a lack of theoretical reflection on its power of change: the concept and treatment of the body, the concept of paternity or motherhood, etc.The metaphorical analysis allows us to deconstruct both dominant discourses: patriarchal and reductionist biomedical. We propose a transdisciplinary analysis which explains the interactions between the diverse discourses: biomedical, mass media, legal, symbolicpsycho-social, gender, historic- which make up the supply as well as the creation of demand of all these practices. The transdisciplinary analysis would help to reveal the biom…
An Approach for the Evaluation of Risk Impact of Changes Addressing Uncertainties in a Surveillance Requirement Optimization Context
This paper presents an approach for the evaluation of risk impact of Surveillance Requirement changes addressing identification, treatment and analysis of uncertainties in an integrated manner, which is intended to be used in an optimization context. It is also presented an example of application of the methodology to study a SF change of the Reactor Protection System of a Nuclear Power Plant.
The Quaternary karstic site of Sierra de Quibas (Abanilla, Murcia, Spain) has provided a wide faunistic list with 53 species distributed among gastropods, myriapods, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Especially interesting among the gastropods is Palaeoglandina that became extinct in Europe during the Pliocene. It remains as a relict genus in the Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula. Two of the birds, Gypaetus barbatus and Geronticus eremita, and a snake, Elaphe cf. E. sealaris, are scarcely represented in the fossil record. For several birds, it is the first record in the Lower Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula. Among the mammals, the presence of the Cercopithecine Macaca sylvanu…